Illfonic Reshuffle - Official Twitter Post

Whats this

Modified constant.

Now easiest way how to prove you wrong. Make the height depended on how close is the pred to you; more close he is, more height you gain. Unless it is part of some builtin macro, you are fucked, because that has to be coded in C.

I guess someone who has ā€œ20 years experienceā€ should have no problem doing that

Prove it

So you can do what I suggested by modifying pak file? Unless you can, I have nothing to prove.

Yea, I can change height you could jump up for example. Oh wait, it could be done using private game modifier UIā€¦ because it is just change of constant. The default is loaded from pak file, but it affects code which is written in C and that code is not part of pak file. And even if it was, it would be in compiled form, so you wouldnā€™t be able to modify it in some sane way.

Do it then

You donā€™t know that


Iā€™ll increase in complexity, explain this then

must be trolling

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There is nothing to explain. Two fucktards messed up the game. Again, increased or enabled some effects by modifying constants in pak files or messing with some variables in memory using some Cheat engine script or some other tool, I donā€™t care.

I have no time to waste proving you are an imbecile. This is analogy why you need source code to make some real game modifications:

Imagine you have broken Porsche winshiled but you have only Ferrari spare winshield. You either get Porsche spare part (source code) or you can use hammer, smack the Ferrari winshield into zillion pieces (binary code) and use glue to make Porsche winshield from the pieces. Yea, it is possible, but who sane would do it.

You are trying to argue with me by saying, BuT i CaN tUrN oN tHe LiGhTs By SmAcKiNg FuSe BoX. Yea, you can, but that is not the point.

I guess you have the time to write another story about that pred OC though

Canā€™t wait for the next story, YautjaEmpress


the priorities those sexual degenerates that make pred porn have

fuckers shouldnt even be allowed to vote


LMAO, no arguments poor boi? Cry more you little bitch šŸ˜‚

No, you are sincerely speaking gibberish, I even have the experience on subject, I thought I made a comment about it a year ago that we were messing around with game files around the time Fanatic damage bug was a thing with mixed motivations

Smacking the fuse box isnā€™t a bad analogy but you are not acknowledging the basic premise that not only is it possible to modify pak files, there is consistency to it

BTW did you know that your friend, comrade skadi (F to M trans - no, not sexy a bit, he is morbidly obese, still living with his parents - sounds familiar Sam, right?) who shared my messages from his server with you is a pedophile? I find really funny that you fucktards call me pedophile, while it was me who called him out when he had written underage rape scene. Yet the fucker is so dumb it took all his friends a day of constant argue with him to make him withdraw the child rape scene from the Kira story (you all should read last chapter, it is a masterpiece šŸ¤Œ). It was after I left his server because he celebrated 7th October 2023 Hamas killings. Really wonderful personā€¦ seems I have special ability to live rent free in morally illiterate peopleā€™s heads.

I also noticed that your toxic group enjoy trashing other people by calling them š—³š—®š—“š˜€ā€¦ donā€™t you feel like a hypocrite when you befriend transexual? Do you pretend it is fine when you talk to him and then laugh behind his back? I guess it felt like good old times when you assholes blackmailed Ememizaki.

Iā€™m curious, is that better or worse than the piles of burning bodies you posted in that server

Refresh my memory, did you happen to post pictures of burning children in an emtionally charged rant where you have no control over yourself? I was a little buzzed at the time, my memory gets a little foggy with these things

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i was trashing skadi other day over the commie shit, and I think she gave up the f to m transition since being a man was too hard for her, better go back to live life on easy mode. And of course she is weird as fuck, all you weirdos involved in making pred porn are and call all you degenerates for it.

I actually even posted memes making fun of skadi after she started kissing stalin ass, a lot of of us talk shit to skadi, on politics oh boy, she even left mls discord due to all trump stuff, she is a brainwashed wannabe sjw commie.

oh eme? do people even remember her lol I never cared for her attention seeking crap of sending nudes to guys online, she looked better with clothes, it wasnt either me or beer that did that. I already have women in real life to deal with.


Oh man, that was a readā€¦


What the hell happened hereā€¦ā€¦ it started out civil then devolved do muchā€¦ā€¦ kinda screwed up with all the oc stuffā€¦. Sure I made my own, but I donā€™t sexualize mine at all, itā€™s a character I write stories about and all it is, is hunting with fellow yautja and making new techā€¦ people who sexualize their characters got a little something wrong with em



Yeah, chaos seems to happen when Beer and the Fairy come together. I should ChatGPT a fanfic about them, while weā€™re on the topic of such things

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this game mocks the predator, disrespects the predator, and soon the game will shut down the serversā€¦ šŸ‘Ž