Illfonic tried ending the hunt with their shady viking dlc practice but my waifu sent me back into the jungle!

Many waifus are very thankful for version 2.08 and the DLC issue “pay for it but don’t get it”.
Their hunters are finally back at home and won’t go back into the jungle.

Finally, I have not played PHG for more than a week.

Two weeks ago, with the solid version 2.06, I had not imagined that the great developer Illfonic could ruin their game yet again. But they succeeded.

At first, to get you in the right mood, they take your money for the Viking dlc but don’t deliver. Never experienced this before. They were even able to manipulate the Epic games store so that the DLC was shown as “unowned” although having bought it. Epic directly refunded.

Then, players find out that the Viking dlc is more or less useless.

And finally, balancing tipped even further towards the fireteam.

Thanks a lot, Illfonic!

I got to the choppa out of this jungle and back home.


Lil late here but let them have it, they suck

Our thread with the 3 vs 1 challenge got completely ignored. Now the next challenge will be 2 vs 1 😂. They didnt read the forum and the topic with more audience. They want the game to die soon.


I would love to see you guys doing some 2v1, just make sure you find a good pred.

Not so hard, all the best players (ft and pred) are in our Discord , from Pc at least. I think 2 support + field Medic and Dexterous can have a chance to beat the Predator at least 4 times out of 10, if we make the rules no netgun and no missions. Just fight.

Waaaaahhaaaaa cry more

As you saw, someone just skipped 2v1 and went right to 1v1. Obviously skill level played a huge factor but I think it’ll show the same results.
2 competent FT players can easily hold/beat the Predator

It depends on the predator skill. Unless they are extremely good I don’t think 2 FT can take a predator. Perhaps in a simple duel but doing the missions, the AI that spawn and so on… Nah, I don’t think so. Obviously similar skill level.


Watch the first fight, this is the reason for the latest buffs. Those are the randoms when you’re not part of that team =))

No buffing the FT is not the answer because it does nothing for balance it simply enables and encourages brain dead play.

TEACH the fireteam.

Buffing potatoes leads to bigger potatoes. If you’re example is 4 idiots who can’t figure out a mini gun is worthless, didn’t even bother staying together as a group, not parrying (although to be fair we’re trying to discourage parrying right now till it’s fixed), or even doing anything than stand there and get slaughtered. You’re proving that buffing FT is NOT the answer.


Actually you do need to look at all skill groups if you don’t have a proper matchmaking that places people based on skill. If you don’t, you lose the player base. What the did, on the other hand is a bad way of balancing things.

Also take note that predators don’t need to employ any type of team play so from that things does get more easy. So a low skilled predator is probably going to win the majority of games against equally skilled FT players. All he has to do is leap and melee (like in the video). Not really hard to do. Now working as a team and using parry is harder.
Problem is the skill celling for FT is very low and after a certain point the predators are screwed.

You can’t do skill based match making in this game unless you’re at least stat tracking and going off that. Can’t use the level system (why do we even have this?) So you need another reference point for skill.

That’s the POINT. It’s 1v4 not 1v1. If LMS were adjusted stat wise to make it 1v1 I might be okay with it instead they adjusted everything to be 1v1, but there’s 4.

Parry isn’t that hard at all really. It’s become muscle memory and reaction for older players. Pretty easily too.

Teaching the Fireteam that they are a TEAM would do more for balance than every single patch to date that lead us here.

I know you can’t do skill based matchmaking, mostly because of the low player base, that is the number 1 issue.
Even now, against a good predator winning in a 2 man team is very hard. And I mean here 2 people like Arrow. Normal people are going to get decimated in 2s (and I am not referring to potatoes here).

Parry is hard, you can’t base things around pro players alone, that have days and days into this game. Compare it to how hard it is for the predator to melee. Predator using melee is not hard (at low skill level). You just leap and then elder sword, now compare this to parring someone doing this.

You have to consider how many people are Illfonic ready to lose by adopting a “just get better” approach.

We are not here because of that, we are here because Illfonic makes balance changes in a wrong way. FT damage should have been decreased (just remove bane) and the cloak from the pred should be pushed back to 100m (the super invisibility). Then balance around how many people are in a premade from 3 player upwards. If 3 or more are a premade, you give the predator nice buffs to damage, HP and so on.

I disagree and actually @Arrow_calis is gearing up to prove you wrong on the whole 2 man thing. I personally have experienced two “decent” FT members able to hold me off while the other two just ran chasing butterflies. I wasn’t pushing hard and had I decided to might have been able to overcome. Fact of the matter is, and we appear to agree, that FT damage is way to high.
I don’t think bane has anything to do with it anymore. I think with specializations and some tweaking, plus a tutorial that demonstrates teamwork is absolutely necessity, you can nerf FT hard and balance this game out pretty well.

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To this day you are still on here swearing to people the FT is not OP hahahah well I at least admire your dedication


Winning 3v1 is not an issue at all in this game. And 2 v 1 is only difficult if they are an absolute CRACK shot with the bow. What a fun and exciting game ammaright

However, my waifu could not bear that I was at home. Thus, she sent me back into the jungle: Waifus stay at home while males have to go hunting. Literally, she forced me to hunt again :(.

I feared the worst. I was really afraid of going back into the jungle having read all the threads in this forum.

I haven’t hunted in version 2.08 before.

But the hunt is still great!

It is just nice that it has become more challenging as predator, especially against players playing without friends!

And I even dared paying for the shady viking, again.

The viking is good and adds another playstyle. Really? Yeah, really.

If you run after fireteam members, you have really no tactical understanding.

Balancing is nice for me in version 2.08.

It is so rare that you play against PC players with friends since they typically do not have any - especially in real life, don’t you agree? And even then, it is easy to avoid getting killed as predator.

So why should Illfonic use this rare situation as a basis for balancing the game?

Players without friends are the normal situation.

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So to sum up:
Illfonic tried to end the hunt with their totally unacceptable practice of taking money for but not delivering the viking dlc.

This forum with its negative attitude regarding Illfonic tried to end the hunt, afterwards.

However, my waifu forced me to continue hunting. She just loves serving drinks, food and other pleasures while I am hunting. I love you so much, waifu!

Final advise: Get a waifu first, then go hunting!

Cadillackid You should read his reply, he is saying with no missions, just fighting the pred. Also he already said even 3 (before this patch) against proxi (or some other friend of his, don’t remember) he was not wining(or doing good, don’t remember the exact way he put it).

The specializations are a nice addition, they add flavor, the extra damage, is bad in the current state, they should have given something else.

DisturbedLlama And to this day you are still incapable of reading, that or you’re really incapable of understanding what you read.