Is it OK to use macros in this game?

I run duelist/bane so maybe it balances out when compared to pdw?

no the grimtech/1011 with highest firerate will have higher dps than the PDW/2nd smg when buffs are put into play

without buffs they are comparable and smg’s typically pull ahead

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Nice!! Very nice!!

Nice, but not close to video I originally posted. Please try to empty 30 bullets in 2 seconds to moving AI. Then again 30 bullets in 2 seconds to something still, AI or barrel for example.

Haven’t unlocked extended mag yet but when I do I will

It will also be a real match

I have no clue, I don’t think anyone tested it.

Seems @KameofWar did as he usually tests every conceivable thing

Games are not designed around macro use. People who think otherwise are either chinese/brazilian/russians selling scripts or genuinely don’t think semi-automatics or tapping should be thing.
Swapping keybinds =/= not automated and this is more easily detectable as evidenced by Blizzard limiting keybinds to prevent people from cheesing the game. Most games do not log keystrokes unless they’re e-sports.
Limiting the effectiveness of semi-autos because of rapid fire macros sucks for the people that use them legitimately - IE: people that could sprint and mash out of net extremely fast legitimately without the use of third party software.

If you’re automating a manual function, it’s cheating. Pretty straightforward. Just varies in degree of severity and how much it affects gameplay.

Walking away from your keyboard when you get hooked in DBD and just enabling your stuggle macro = cheating

Macros to snatch things off the marketplace in MMOs = cheating

Macros to instalock characters = cheating

Macros to drink potions for you = cheating

Macros in league of legends = literally no different from scripts with how much tapping is involved in that game and is banned as such if they detect any suspicious queued keystrokes

Macros to spawn units in RTS’s = cheating

Macros to escape nets = cheating

Anti recoil macros = cheating

Xp grinding macros = cheating

Rapid fire macros = cheating

List goes on. Fundamentally, it’s all the same automation of a function that normally requires clicking - which is why it’s cheating regardless of how severe the impact on gameplay is.


In this particular instance I think it’s negligible

Most of the things you said there are not even macros but scripts. Wow has in build macros

A macro is a script

There is a difference man, a scrip is more like a bot. Macros just generate different key strokes tied to one stroke. So I push a macro button and that one makes AFCK hit at the same time but you need to be there. So insteat of pusshing AFCK I just push 1 button, that is all macros do. I need to be next to the KB and do everything else.

sure… and a you can also call a “hello world” program , software

You can tie a macro to multiple strokes. You can push buttons in sequence, you can queue keystrokes.
A script is just an advanced macro with more than one function now we’re arguing semantics. Every expensive rapid fire script out there is a fancy adjustable macro.
They’re sold for so much because its way more user friendly and proven harder to detect than the average person loading up autohotkey that isn’t going to try to be sneaky about it.

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Here’s a video I just did for all that “recoil compensation” debate

Reality is, using the mouse wheel to shoot makes the recoil worse than clicking. Using the macro makes it even more difficult.

So the whole “empty 30 bullets without recoil” argument is just null. Reality is, now analyzing this, most of the time I probably didn’t land the whole 30 shots and just a few. I’ve been wasting bullets for fun.

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Dude its not semantics when macros can’t do lots of things scripts do. For instance I have yet to find a macro worth using in this game, then again I would not mind an AIM BOT that tracks the predator for me and shoots him even when I can’t see him.

People are better doing pay to win DLC

This kinda shit is EXACTLY why console and pc should never be joined. Like for real this is why I turned off crossplay. PC has an unreasonable advantage on either side.

That is not why you turn off cross play and people using macros are very, very few. Now if you wanted to say PC players are far less casuals then PS players and having games against them is far harder since they actually can shoot and know mechanics… Yeah, you would be right, that is also why you turned off cross play, to get easier games.

I’m answering OP in a pretty black and white manner regardless of affect or how bad you think being able to instantly break out of nets was.

I can load up a macro right now that automatically queues into matches for me and walks into a wall and grinds some meager xp for me.
Is it cheating or not?