Is this damage normal?

SAWZ-50 7 body shots equal 2nd wind easy

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Btw most Pred win all of their game in pub so in my opinion One more buff to the pred and nerf to ft (spilecially if it will be a melee buff and perry nerf) and the game will die instantly for lack of fireteam players. Iā€™m 100% sure of that, 15 minutes to find a game as pred and it finish in 2 min (no matter if you let them reinforce because at least two of them rage quit after getting downed). The game is hard to balance, for my point of view Pred in pubs is beyond broken.

Iā€™ve yet to actually insult you snowflake.

I donā€™t need to.
Iā€™ve only called you out.
You dont like being called out, so you label it as insults.

Youā€™re immature, pretending to be mature.
Because despite like 3 post now, where Iā€™ve not come after you, not been starting shit, you feel the need to tell me what Iā€™m doing. And try to insult me indirectly.

This whole time you keep coming after me.
Telling me I have no manners and hope I dont talk to my mom that way? Childish indirect insults.

Everything youā€™re accusing me of, is what youā€™re doing.

And now youā€™re going after me even harder becauseā€¦
Honestly I dont know why.

Cause youā€™re not proving shit here.
You cant tell me Iā€™ve been been insulting you.

Iā€™ve not thrown one insult at you, itā€™s just how I fucking talk. You donā€™t like it, thatā€™s too fucking bad,
But you donā€™t have to fucking make shit up and tell me what Iā€™m doing.

You really dont have to. Iā€™m straight up and honest.
If Iā€™m insulting you, you will know.
If Iā€™m actually coming after you,
Il tell you.

And if youā€™re not sure, just ask.

The math is that a pred can die in about 4 seconds from one person, and way less if multiple people are hitting him.

Thatā€™s not an opinion. Thatā€™s a fact.

But no. You want to change what Iā€™m talking about into another topic, because it suits you. Cause you so desperately wanna be right.

I mean even a few ppl here have agreed some of the guns hit extremely hard.

You also keep twisting when I say an ft can solo kill a pred. Iā€™m not saying in a straight up 1v1 they will murder the pred.

Iā€™m saying that they can kill the pred with only one clip while their team mate distracts the pred.

Which you know, yippee, team work. Yaaay!
But the problem is, it happens way too fast.

I cant really think of another way to word it so you stay on topic and focus on whatā€™s being said.

My problem is with the damage some of the ft guns do, because given the nature of the game, it is extremely unbalanced and unfair. For 1 person to go up against 4 people who can kill them individually, in 4 seconds or less.

That time frame is not an opinion. It happens. Iā€™ve seen preds fall that fast a lot.

So letā€™s recap shall we? You dont like how I talk causeā€¦who the fuck knows. I dont and will never understand why ppl act like swearing physically hurts them.

I also know its immature to expect everyone to talk like you do.

But I havent insulted you.

Also, this whole thing has been pointless cause you keep trying to make this a discussion about skill, which is irrelevant to my problem, which is the damage output of certain guns.

I want to make it very clear to you.

I have not come after you, I have not tried to start shit with you. I fucking hate arguing, because its pointless.
No, you were not having a discussion with me, you were trying to have an unnecessary debate with me, for no reason, other than you hate that I dont 100% agree with you, even tho, I agreed with almost everything you said, in regards to how people should play.

You, simply because you dont like how I talk, came after me for no reason.
And I got pissed.

Because i never wanted to turn this into what it did, and I never wanted to argue with you.

All I wanted to do was state how I know this damage is bull shit. Thatā€™s all. I even agreed the dude played badly.

Like ffs, I disagree with one thing, and you turn it into this hours long bullshit.

In case you havent realized Xan, all Iā€™ve been doing is defending myself.
Thatā€™s it.

I can keep going but I feel Iā€™ve said enough to hopefully, make you understand, that I never wanted and never have wanted to argue because its stupid, and a waste of time.

But Iā€™m not just going to blindly accept what I know is wrong, nor will I let people tell me what im doing.

Pred in pub are not broken. The problem are As usual the teammates you play with me I do 2k/3k when I play in random match against any type of pred.

Also revolver break pred mask in 6 shot. Do that its ez win

I do 3/4k usually except if it is a Scout Pred. I see most of pred player keep saying that they win most of their games (in the forum). One time one guy did a post asking to post the best class for anyone. Of course it was all Netgun + Melee weapon and also by my experience most pred run melee into 4 people.

Yup eneperienced pred tend do run straight into melee trending their first wind for a thing that itā€™s not worth it at 70% of the case expect if you kill the damage dealer. You have see that with me I avoided as possible going melee against you and your teamates

Yeah, stopped reading at the top. Really nothing you have to say has any worth to me at this point when you donā€™t even think all those things you called me are insults.

Anyway, have a good day, canā€™t argue with a retard (not an insult, I am am just calling you out, your own words here).

Childish, cause those werent insults, nor meant as insults.

I mean you just keep proving me right.


Who are you? (Epic ID)

Sure dude, sure and me calling you a retard is not an insult just as well. it was not meant as an insult (in my case it was really not, but apparently, you are completely unable to see it)

Iā€™m not like you @Xan84 . I dont childishly try to insult people indirectly. If I have a problem I say it directly.

If I hate to argue why would I insult you?

Good question, that one you should ask yourself why you felt the need to use all those words (like asshole) and then try to say those are not insults for some ridiculous reasons.

Its. just. how. I. Talk.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that Iā€™m that different from you?

Iā€™m always fucking swearing. I even told you why I called you an asshole.

It wasnt cause I wanted to insult you, I genuinely felt like you were being an asshole.
Sure I coulda said jerk, but itā€™s the same thing.

Stop assuming with me.

You can talk however you wish but aspect people to shift their opinion of you based on how you communicate with them. I am not assuming anything with you except that you used insults to get your points across or just to vent. Explaining why you used insults does not changes the fact that you used them.

Yes, I tend to keep on posting back if other people reply to me themselves. If you think the argument has run its course or if you just want to agree to disagree just say so and donā€™t get mad when the other party does not want to back down when you also have no intention of doing so.

I stand by my claim that there is no way a ft can 1v1 a predator (equal skill) and that FT damage is fine. Perhaps at the very high top with super pro squads of pro players but seriously. Effecting the entire community for that. NO! I am going to finish here with this.

Have a good day.

Dentdesabre. City hunter with blue skin We face each other on overgrowth this last day. You where playing with dice

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You dont wanna back down but you want me to.
Look, dont tell me what Iā€™m doing.

You have no right to say Iā€™m insulting you.
I was never trying to just throw an insult.

Thats pointless, and leads to arguments, which I dont like. But I refuse to have another person try and tell me what I was doing.

And I agree with you saying an ft cant straight up 1v1 a pred, but that hasnā€™t been what Iā€™ve been saying.

Like jesus fucking christ youre stubborn.

Dude, youā€™re the one who did not want to back down then and when I did not stand down you started to throw insults. I never told you to stop arguing your point. Seriously?!

I have no right to say you insulted me? Letā€™s use asshole alone, you probably donā€™t know what it means:
A person who is intentionally cruel, obnoxious and heartless.

Right, right. I bet now youā€™re going to tell me if it fits, its fine, not an insult. Then I will tell you a few mean words myself that I think apply to you (like the example given before, retard) and its not going to be an insult, since it would ā€œfitā€.

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Who, on a forum dominated by pred mains, reject a message of nerfing the FT?

A surprising amount of people youā€™ll come to find.