It seems like the Predator was buffed a bit too much...

Not much, just here on this forum for shits and giggles.

I’m not tooting shit.
Notice all I did was mention what you’re doing and you feel the need to resort to petty insults?

And I’m the child?
Like I said before, you’re ignorant.

I see when people respond to you, and so many of them you just keep talking shit about me.

And you call me obsessed?

You say I’m the one with mental problems yet your perception is warped to the point of delusion.

Btw I never joined to try to become popular or use this as social media.
My only reason for joining was try to do what little I could to make sure another game I liked didnt go to shit because only the wrong people got heard.

You have these damn delusions of me.
But I’m Just calling shit out as it is.

You’re fucking ignorant, and rude for no fucking reason.
And if people dont blindly Agree with you, you start talking shit.

You’re one of those people who just thinks their right when it comes to everything.

As far as broken goes tho,
Since hes fucking on here a lot, might as well try to understand why he thinks the way he does when it comes to balance.

Look back throughout my post.

I’ve always tried to at least understand Where people are coming from.


You just talk shit and mock people.
You have your head up your ass.

Who the fuck knows.

Either way, how about since you’re fucking ignorant on such a level Its Impossibke to reason with you at all, you just stop talking shit bout me, and il continue to do the same?

We just leave each other the fuck alone ya?
Can you at least be that mature, or you gonna prove me right in calling you extremely ignorant?


At this point I just think you like chaos.

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You see, that’s exactly what I mean. You feel the need to write a whole dissertation in order to sound half smart. Keep it short and simple, nobody here gives a shit about your long assays.

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What I wrote made perfect sense.
That you lack reading comprehension is on you not me.

And again, you just resort to petty insults.

You just couldn’t leave it alone could ya?
Way to prove how ignorant you are.
Immature too.
Sad really.

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Read the final part.
Let’s just leave each other alone,
I ain’t gonna talk about you, you shut the fuck up about me, we move on?

Ok kiddo?

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I understand you it’s hard for you to make friends. But you don’t have to spam every thread on the forum. Take a break, seriously. Go make some real friends. Don’t you have family you can hang out with? Give the forum a break.




You really cant do it can you?
You cant be mature and drop it can you?

Jesus christ lol.

Most people ain’t worth talking to.
You’re proof of that lmao.

And perfect advice, sure let me go hang out with people during a fucking pandemic.
My god, the ignorance xD.

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We get it kid, you’re a reject and nobody in real life likes you. Keep your hopes up, one day you’ll make friends.

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3 times I’ve asked you to be mature and drop it and we just move on.

And each time you’ve shown and proved exactly what I’ve been saying. you’re ignorant.

It’s pretty sad that all you got is generic
And childish insults, but I’m the kid huh?

You sound like a fucking edgy teen.

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I don’t think anyone is innocent here. It doesn’t help when you end your posts, asking them to move on, with “ok kiddo?” as if to one up them or something. Both intellectual beings you are, I’m sure of it. May the force guide you away from the temptation of the dark side. Mmmmhhhh yes.


What the hell did I just walk into?

I only do that cause he loves to call me childish but it’s been about like…
20 post I think, where I haven’t said anything to him since I blocked him, but he keeps talking shit.

So him being that childish I’m just calling out as I see it.
The middle/highschool insults dont help either.

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Tldr- I called out scar cause its been about 20 post him talking shit to me when I’m not even mentioning him, and he resorts to petty insults.

I asked to move on 3 times but yaaa…
Fun times.