It seems like the Predator was buffed a bit too much...

Handheld plasma caster needs a nerf

Too easy to spam

Add overheat or set number of ammo and make it more visible when it’s fired (muzzle flash)

Again, what do you hope to accomplish with petty generic insults?
You’re only making yourself look bad here.
The immaturity is pretty ridiculous lol.

Pathetic and unoriginal.
You’re a sad kid lol.

That weapon is already trash 😅

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Says the one who uses petty generic insults.

The handheld is weak and prone to terrible accuracy and it’s only good for close to med range. it requires 6 direct hits on assault without thick skin just to down them. The bow is not only broken at the moment but very easily traceable.

Holy fuck now you’re going with a, “no you” approach?

Jesus fucking christ you’re devolving.
Its fucking sad that youre serious too.
Keep Proving me right.

The only serious one here is you. You want to have the last word so badly that you just continue to reply. Give it up.

I told you I really don’t give a shit and I can keep this going. So you’re playing my game now.

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Nah, handheld plasma pistol needs a buff not a nerf. It needs to go back to the way it was before.


For the past idk how many post I’ve been trying to just make it so we both fuck off and leave each other alone.

You know, like mature adults?

Meanwhile you’re just acting like you’re a god damn child xD.

I dont care if you get the last word really, as long as you agree to drop it and ain’t talking shit.
But you for whatever reason cant.

I know what this really is. You’re all frustrated that this game is broken doo doo and taking your frustrations out on each other. All we need for us all to be friends again is a nice, fat, juicy content update bundled with lots of fixes. So let’s stop tearing at eachothers throats till February, choombas!


Doubt it, but it would be nice for the game to get to a better state lol.


Damn, lets settle this.
@Scarface_1983 + his Team vs @Fire + Team in clash.

What do you guys think? I would love to see scarface destroy this silly kid. :D

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Why clash though hunt would be better, clash proves nothing, congrats you can use controller/mouse to shoot people so talented, its just worse version of cod team death match with a predator.

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Fight me 1v1 on Rust (MW2) snipers only, 360 no scope only.


Against you the greatest 360 no scoper, I could never.

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Yes Jontron meme perfection.

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Try this:
Dante with Unleashed
Field syrettes and ammo pouches
Gearhead, quick release, and either dexterous, pig in shit, or OWLF Trained.
Rocket launcher and PDW-R

He claims to be a good pred, but he won’t accept because he knows he’ll get destroyed.