It seems like the Predator was buffed a bit too much...

I’ve stayed silent on this until now. But here it is in a nutshell.
If the devs want any new gamer to pick this game up and be competitive IMMEDIATELY as FT, and have only a very small percentage of gamers be able to be a successful predator, then they’ve hit the mark. There will never be any depth or growth because it’s just going to be a light and fluffy mix-em-up.

If, on the other hand, they want balance, and for the player base to be able to grow and “git gud” then they’ll need to continue to work on making the predator a viable competitor.

Give FT more V, and daily /weekly challenges so that queue times don’t get out of hand for the predator, but permit a newer player to actually play as predator without getting melted so easily. Make melee , cloak, and range all viable for the predator and a decent armor that lasts more than 2.5 seconds.
If FT works as a team, as they are supposed to, a predator won’t be able to just clear house in one melee encounter.

As it is now, it is not possible for the player base to develop into skilled ANYTHING.
The best gamers will be able to pull off being the predator and newbs can be competitive as FT, but skilled gamers have no challenge playing as FT and newbs can’t possibly play as predator and enjoy the game.

Just my .02
@IllFonic @Courier @OldKingHamlet
It’s all up to you if you want stagnation or depth.


Theres no skill right now, atleast on fireteam side, on predator pray to old gods you dont get bugged to hell and if your weapons work you might be able to do some damage, predator needs more tech than fireteam does at the moment, plasma greandes, laser trip mines, holo decoys etc anything so Predator can fight indirectly and nerf ft weapons damage across the board, the plasma rifle is actually a good weapon and does reasonable damage but is usuless rn cause of the current meta, if all guns were around that damage, we would be getting somewhete, then the pred buffs would actually mean something and ft would have to actually try to take down a predator. Right now the armor buff and impenetrable dont help with the current ft damage output,also a tutorial for ft so we dont keep having potato ft in randoms as frequently even though thats impossible to remove completely.


I think the last two posts hit the nail on the head.


@Fire @REYNOSO_FUA11 hey guys it’s ok just ignore them look at this picture instead


Oh I don’t really give a fuck about that childish drama they’re wrapped up in. I know it’s not going anywhere, it’s happened before so many times to the point I’m still wondering why @Fire continued responding to that stupidity.

I stopped playing around the Clash update. Just started playing it again this weekend.

The Plasma Caster spam is definitely worse now and it happens quite frequently too. You call this shit balanced? I am also seeing more wrist blade melee spammers but i wouldn’t be surprised if they’re exploiting some new bullshit given that this game’s been janky since release.


Neh just noobs. Probably found out because of Marshawn Lynch

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Well that’s another reason i stopped getting on. But @Fire i think its time to just ignore everything like honestly fuck it you know what i mean. But i get where your coming from believe me

You’re just pissed cause you dont agree with me.
Tell em to get on ps4 then sure, il do it.

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Get you and your buddies on ps4 then we can.
I’m not going to playing against yall on pc when your game runs smoother.

Of course, you dont wanna play on equal grounds.

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Lol I’ve honestly been just saying let’s drop it to scar but uh…ya.
The immaturity is overwhelming with that one.







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This whole situation would be solved by one simple thing: buff FT nerf pred

Just recently got a pc. I played on PS4 for the longest time. I didn’t realize crossplay should be illegal. My ps4 is collecting dust…

I have a pc.
Still prefer ps4.

@RidgeTop: I agree to that. I second winded the predator quite often meanwhile - and when I write “I”, then I mean “I”, as the real problem seems to be a flood of PHG-beginners since some days in random pubs…

Try it e.g. with:

first: GOSL, second: Minigun
syringe, medikit, munition
speed perks

Two such supports, who know what they are doing, can hold a position against the predator alone…

The game is still balanced, the people are not. A lot of the names of predator players are known to me meanwhile, they already play for a while. But most FT player names seem to be new. That is why now it become hard to play as FT: too much people who are of no support…

If you ask me:)

Ridge, I think this indeed is not a question of buffing/nerfing but of choosing the right classes and weapons. The OWLF e.g. is complete nonsense, if you ask me. Tell me just one advantage of this class, which is working (without severe bugs)!

And, as already said by some others too, it might also be a question of a lot of noobs, who obviously bought the game just before X-Mas. 4 competent players playing with support & GOSL or alike are still a very good match for most predators.

A few predators indeed are extremely strong, but this is not due to buffing/nerfing. They are just very good.

This game is not balanced.