It seems like the Predator was buffed a bit too much...

:)) The old discussion… Part just partly true. It is not balanced for PC-premade-FTs with top tiers alike Arrow. For PS4-random-FTs it is just slightly in favor of the FT, if you ask me, and that is as it should be, if you ask me…

For noob teams, it definitely is even in favor of good predators:) So the question “balanced” or “not balanced” depends heavily on the constraints you assume, right?

which is quite good, right? 2500 points should be some two second winds, right? Two of such guys should be sufficient to win a match against most predators - still.

Ah, here is the real problem - as pointed out here:


Dude noob players dont count.
Those matches dont give good results.

Why do so many people want to count matches vs ppl who suck?

Not only that, if the game was balanced there wouldnt be an entire debate over pc vs ps4.

You cant try to balance off players of any skill level, you have to balance the game itself.

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POV of Illfonic they count most as, at least at the moment, they seem to be the majority. Games cannot be balanced for the minority of top tiers, right?

But, as I said, I think the game is balanced for middle-class random FTs ON PS4 (!) too. I belong in the category of some 1200 damage points in the average (sometimes 500, sometimes 2500, often 1200…) - if you accept that to be “middle-class” - then I can say, that two to three middle-class players are enough for most of the predators (and they tend to be more experienced than FT players, if yo ask me).

So, all that buffing/nerfing thing is not the main problem. It is the matchmaking and maybe the vast health supply for 4 supports with syringes & medkits. But whether you use a GOSL or a Hammerhead does not make a lot of difference (although there damages are different).

Play random pubs NOW and tell me, that the FT is overpowered…

Bon, I’m not you interested in typing all this out because it will take too long.
But if you really want to have this discussion, join me in a psn party.

Just so itl be faster.
I can explain it in probably 5 or 10 minutes compared to the 30 it would take to type and then even longer either going back an forth on here.

This debate indeed is very interesting as most people debating about buffing/nerfing in this forum tend to forget the HUGE difference between PC and PS4.

I tried that out with my PC friend in quite some detail and the difference is even still there, if he plays with the controller.

But the difference when he is playing predator on PC with m&k vs me (PS4) compared to the situation with controller is unbelievable huuuuge.

With m&k he just needs “milliseconds” to destroy me (being a lonesome FT) in a private match, whereas with controller I even got away!

Read this:

There are NO competent answers to this yet, so feel free…

Fine idea!

I am just starting my PS4… Hear you in some minutes (hope it works). You find me as “Bonator19” there; sorry, I forgot your PS4 name:) But I think, we already are friends, right? Just try to invite me or so…

I would but right now I’m at the store.
When I get back I will.

If you’re still interested.

Absolutely - If I am still awake then - did not get much sleep this night… Just check whether I am online and invite me - hope it works, as this joining business tends to fail with my PS4 quite often. But PS4-voice-party seems to work. See resp. hear you later. Maybe we then also can do a “test run” FT-match:)

Dude most games cater to top tier play… fighting games, some fps with esports attached, any game revolves around the pro tier…that’s just how it is…this game however is a mess and a mixed one at taht

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And that’s how it should be balanced.

With SBMM of course.

Ehhh i don’t know if cod players liked that…i think everything is competitive now and just has no chill but that’s what happens with time i guess

SBMM should help with that. If your a casaul and your paired up with a comp player then it’d still be even because your casaul is comparative to their try hard.

Plus comp players can still be comp without any flak.

True i guess i was thinking of cold war sbmm thats what i thought you meant lol… I’m all for having the noobs paired with veterans to show them the ropes

Whats up with cods SBMM?

Trial by fire doesn’t work too well.

I heard the cold war sbmm was fucked up since it take the game you just played so if you go 20-5 out of luck you get thrown into the sweaty lobbies untile your KD goes down then you get thrown back into noob lobbies so it’s a big discussion for the cod community… me personally I dont take cod to seriously so its a whatever type issue for me

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Ya an important part of SBMM is to have have it take all of your recent matches (3 months I would make for an estimate)

I never got how old MW2 did it’s lobbies I thought that was great

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Lol to this thread we rarely lose as FT. I rarely lose as PRED just git good lol

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