Jungle Hunter with Disciplined

They could make melee stronger as you like, but only if they removed all the slow downs from getting hit by melee, the bow, and getting better while standing.

Then the fireteam would need to run from the predator whenever they’re being attacked, like a horror movie.

Which would be ideal. You can fight back, you can kill him. But he’s extremely lethal. It should feel like a boss fight. Also due to parrying existing im not sure you’d have to take anything away from melee. Not saying you’re completely just wrong. I’d just be curious whether or not that would actually be necessary

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The thing is I believe we’ve already got that in ghost and assassin. I just had a match yesterday where I was clearing AI, I had about 110 health, and suddenly I got hit in the back and knocked down to 66 health, the next attack knocked me down, And I got quick claimed in a matter of seconds.

I can’t remember right now exactly which predator they were using, but they had ghost, and were using a predator katana, and I assume they stacked this with fearless as well.

I don’t know. Kinda feel like disciplined should be a blanket specialization for all classes and give Scout one more unique specialization.

I don’t think it or any particular specialization is quite “OP”. Ghost, Stalker and Fervant can really do some damage but they’re not awful. Adds spice to the game. I’d be okay with a “cloaked for 1 second” kinda nerf to Ghost. Other than that though, leave them

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Im not saying its op for me…

For others it might be in a sense people got used to pred being a puss wuss character and hits 30 per hit.

For me its fine and adds that i need to be on constant alert kind of thing…

Honestly this is what pred should have been since start xD.

HAMLET should do the right thing here and keep this quiet and let the players playtest this universal spec and then see how people behave lol…

I know 100% that people wont mind once a week is passed… or even less days.


If every other class gets disciplined then scout better get something great to compensate since that is its most fun specialization.


Oh I agree. In fact I’d love to see a ranged specialization for it. Like a 10% or 20% damage increase beyond 40m or something

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He should get infinite energy without needing perks then.

Infinite energy hurts no one as long as it gets wasted when u charge plasma or slam

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Kind of weird scout not elder got a ranged perk considering these two are the best at it.


I mean yeah Scout should have Stalker

Which one’s that one again?

Full stamina gives damage boost.

Lol I didn’t even say anything. xD
But as we found out while testing last night, there are even 2 ways to do it.
The first method is basically doable for all classes and specializations on FT AND Pred, while the second method only applies for the JH.

I think it’s useless to discuss the balancing of this, and if this is exploiting or not, since as long it is not directly available via the Customizations Menu it is exploiting.


That would be great actually, slap adrenal, down range and cooling synchs and it’s over.

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Jokes on you i decoded your subconsious and your behavioral talk…

Autism does wonders xD

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Won’t argue it’s an exploit and not as designed.
Will debate whether as designed is best or not though. That’s all

I just wanna see people playtest it on forums honestly… even if u have like few people who do this in matches im curious if people will even notice any change lol… like nobody noticed on the last match i played last night with it, nobody yelled or called me a cheaters… seems like humans dont really pay attention to stuff that isnt pointed at them…

But when u give them material to fight over then they become hostile.

And that is what i wanna test to see lol their behavioral patterns of players

No denying that.

I don’t think I’d do it. If/When I figure out game breaks or exploits (which is always after someone talked about it because I don’t bother looking) I tend to just report and ignore.

If they wanted me running a scout field medic I’d have the option. If they wanted animation cancelling to allow quick shots, they’d up fire rates.