Listen… You’re barking up the wrong tree. Myself and dozens of others here have been watching Illfonic from the start of PHG and even before. They’re a shady company that used PHG to fund Arcadeggedon. Ask around, ask us, what has Illfonic done regarding player requests? Hardly anything we want. We got a Valk buff that she didn’t need but got anyway. Now she’s meta again. FT has been in desperate need of a nerf since October last year. We are yet to see a noticeable nerf. Parrying is still broken and doesn’t work half the time, Sickle is still broken and swings faster than FT can parry, wasn’t like that when it came out.
I could dig a little bit and bring up more. But take my advice, this game is dead and Illfonic is moving on. They’re in it for the money now with their Fortnite copycat Arcadeggedon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they discontinue support for this game in the coming year. Sure, there’s a roadmap, but how often have they come through? The entire first year they missed too many marks and became unreliable and have only recently started making strides to better the game, and even then. Game is still in an unfinished state.
So I’ll say it once again. Move on. Adapt to the game if you must keep playing, but be prepared to get frustrated and be disappointed