Killed a Pred in a Knife-fight...

And listen i agree with you… its in pred code to be ego andies and follow their code of mercy lol…

But you cant say its fair to have pigs to spawn the only predator health source around fireteam only and listen on top of that it despawns fast as fuck if they speedrun objective… seriously… like damn

All i want is to be able to play a long game of hunting and immersion without being the actual prey sometimes NOT ALL THE TIMES btw… it just happens to be that more and more people are realising their potential as fireteam… its just that i havent had fun with people since 1.06… like i remember my last fun match… it was on backwater and i let them reinforce to stalk them and it was rough but i did it anyways cause i calculated my spot and i managed to immerse myself as pred… they didnt know where i was at

Also part of the issue is match times. Being able to speed run objectives in less than 4 minutes is fucking stupid. I can’t believe there was ANY play testing because if there were, this certainly would have been addressed long before release. Nothing a predator can do here save for charge in or just let the FT exfil.

The FT missions need to be longer, more difficult, and interesting/fun to play. Right now they’re all bland as can be. No thought put into them whatsoever.


What makes the hunters trophies so valuable is that they are taken from prey which could kill them …

That’s the hunt

Even one skilled ft member can kill greedy pred like nothing…

Tbh… i dont mind getting killed at the end by a skilled team IF they work together to stop me really… like in a way they have to really try lol as i try to immerse my self…

For me a true win is not to really win, like damn i dont really play games anymore to win just to learn and have fun…

Same with evolve… i nerded the sht out of that game…

4k hours btw xD

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Yeah… one skilled ft member with an actual sniper rifle or a knife… can take an avg pred down… and obviously someone more skilled and smart playing pred would try to see whos using what weapon lol… and just go for that person first… but that aside… even if you do that… you will most likely lose really… but you secure your chances of winning

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True. You have to get them in public… at least youll get 110 ping

I beat most premades now a days… i know there tactics and punish snipers hard

Study of the blade is not the art of killing, it is the art of defense. Morons fight and kill each other in spectacular and brief double KO’s. It was such a problem during the ‘dueling’ period of the Renaissance that entire fencing schools sprung up just to teach idiots how to not die.

You effectively fought somebody who only knew how to mash left click, never learned the reach of his weapon, its speed, or anything about it. The Predator could have been the Incredible Hulk, and you’d still beat a moron who can’t operate the basic controls. <.<

Bit behind here on this thread… despite it being my own.

As I’ve probably mentioned about a hundred times now. I main FT. I consider the Pred a joke, unless the Pred player is really good.
Hell, I can carry a FT by myself while drunk… and not abusing low graphics or anything. The amount of Preds I knife to death these days are only increasing. And so are the number of “rage quitting” Preds. That is not a good way to maintain a player base. Preds are supposed to be scary and hard to deal with even for experienced FT players.
Currently a noob Pred is literally just slightly more challenging than a heavy armor NPC.

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As I see it… it is way easier for a FT to remain close to each other and have each others back than it is for a Pred to divide and conquer.
It does not take a lot to down a Pred. Even a Pred doing one Quick Claim while another FT is nearby is enough to put the Pred into 2nd wind… if the other FT can actually aim at least.

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Of course it’s true , but it’s also true that the melee is too much brain dead. So a hard nerf of the parry should be flanked by damage nerf of the brain dead melee with awesome tracking. A full elder sword combo can kill a dutch class without fearless and it’s even harder to perry, combi stick is ok and war club is still a meme.

A Pred that is meleeing is kinda asking to get lit up by the FT though. The only weapon that is kinda hard to Parry reliably is the Katana… Elder Sword is probably one of the more powerful melee options though. Both combistick and… lul, war club, are so easy to parry it is laughable.
I admit, I’ve ever only faced one Pred with War Club… … … it died.

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And to be honest… Personally, I cant be arsed to play as the Predator. Unless I am facing 3 PS4 players and at most one PC player its just an instant death. I admit, I am average as a Pred… and I like to try new things as well which makes things even harder since 99% of everyone playing this game is a tryhard… on both sides.
I am above average as FT… and I average basically a Pred kill in dmg every game. My record so far is somewhere above 6k dmg done to a Pred… and I dont try very hard anymore to chase em down to get the kill.

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Parry doesn’t need to be nerfed hard or removed. Just take away that stupid stun and they won’t need to nerf pred melee to compensate.

99,9% of pred are avarage , they think they are good because they pub stomp but that is the standard honestly. When they meet real pre made team they will always lose (real premade doesnt mean 4 casual pc 😂). The truth is that most of people are avarage or a little bit above the avarage specially when we are talking about Predator.

Also lying in the forum is now common and recurrent for all pred mains. They always say that they win against premade or russians, or that they kill one guy a lot of times and bla bla bla. All fake news. There are some teams in the game that are still unbeaten. Don’t be afraid to be an avarage player, or even bad. Most of players are like this, in any games.

First things first: Warclub sucks. It sucks hard.

I got really bored one day and decided to dedicate myself to learning the ‘art’ of the warclub. 15 games later (I got lucky with queue times.) I learned a few things.

The trick is to just… slap people with it and sidestep. Then slap. Then sidestep. The disorientation is just enough to throw off FT aim for enough shots to get the next slap in.
That’s what the warclub is. It’s P:HG’s version of ‘Slappers only’ in GoldenEye.

Never full combo. Ever. Don’t even try.

I seriously (non-sarcastically) want a Haddock skin or remodel of this ridiculous meme weapon. I want it remodeled or reskinned to be a giant fish I hit the FT with. Yes. Yes. I need this. I will pay CASH MONEY for this to happen. >.>

First of all iam not the best Predator, Iam good at this point but not of the best… BUT the parry is absolute no problem for the Predator… All you need is not standing still and trade with the FT-Knife user… Run around and attack from the angle with some range, when he can block you, you need to jump and run away, turn and attack again… Attack them from running around them and they can nothing do, assuming its 1 vs 1 fight… Of course he can hit you one or two times, but with one or two hits he cant beat you.

Attack with one or two hits and run and attack again… try not to use the complete Combo… Realy… for me a FT parry is absolut NO Problem… I like it when they use the knife, because they forget to shoot when you run around them…