Kinda feel that Support should get less over all use of their gears

Personally I feel that the health isnt the problem, its simply the gear bs.

Ideally, faster classes get more gear, support should have more perks.

This way if you want your fireteam to have limitless health, you have to be easily killable as well.

This goes for pred too,

Berzerker will no longer have the most gear, on top of the most health. Berzerker will rely solely on perks. Scout will be able to shift focus to more trapping, and diversion tactics, which is really how it should be designed in the first place.

Middle grounds will stay the same

though its gonna be a bit awkward for the fireteam, as there are 4 classes not 3. but still.

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And if you want a reason for why this makes sense.

Against popular belief, armor is heavy as all fuck. Support wouldnt be able to be covered in armor, and carry all his shit at the same time, when hes basically wearing an eod vest.

Same goes for berzerker.


Berzerker should be only good for melee

Support should be fire support, not utility support


Yea after hearing this out i agree it think that makes alot of sense ( gear wise

Lol brb gonna add this to my superpost

What do you guys think about the stamina being reversed as well? or is that a bridge too far.

Having the slower classes have more stamina, so that the faster classes, are faster in bursts, whilst the slower classes, are faster in the sense that they are persistant)

I think it should make sense for the role support the guy is easyly carrying like 200 pounds of random shit he should feel slow and out of breath all the time. but scout is like in a T-shirt he should feel like a Olympic Athlete on crack

I kinda disagree with the perk/gear suggestion there. The reason being is that you naturally have higher health as a Support but if you get a good perk allotment you can run Thick Skin and OWLF Training and that would make it very difficult to kill a support. Throw in Heavy Hitter or potential Yautja’s Bane and you have a pretty OP composition there. That would be a big problem. I ran that in the trial and literally straight 1v1’d Predators consistently. Granted that was without the parry nerf.

However I do like and respect the argument you made for that proposition. I can’t say that I hate the prospect of that honestly. And I absolutely agree with the Berserker bit there. They could have pretty much every item and still not cap out on gear. It is a little ridiculous.

i but i also feel that the more gear you take the slower you are

Yeah, keep in mind most of my arguments are on the basis that things like that will be handled.

See my Super post here:

The stamina bit I think is ok as it is. Faster classes do need to rely on mobility since they have lower health and taking that away there would be no reason to play them because they would be slow, squishy and incapable of disengaging from a fight.

Perhaps as a substitute like the Berserker has more stamina for melee but the leap takes more stamina and on the Fireteam side the Recon or Scout run faster but only get like one parry before exhaustion.


Or a shorter leap distanxe

Here is the specific thing im referring to.

Those would be nice changes, but would require a total rework of a foundation level system, it would take far too much time and resources most likely unfortunately.


But I do agree, with the lack of health, the faster classes do need to be more mobile.

Same as my response to crennos.

Hmmmm. I’m not sure what my feelings are on that to be honest. On one hand it could make the perks seem a bit lackluster but on another it could force more complexity and diversity with load outs and such.

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Perks will never be diverse when such perks exist. Everyone will run the perks that directly affect damage or damage resistance in almost every scenario.

Unless they are running a meme build because they are bored

Fair enough. But perhaps there could be some measure of sacrifice implemented with this which forces them to make substantial sacrifices in order to get these perks.

The problem with that is, once again. Everyone will run these perks. So the real sacrifice is if you arent running them because it can put you at a significant disadvantage


Theres no real way to prevent this from being the case, other than removing the perks outright

The perk of that, is that these perks will no longer need to be considered when balancing the game. Making it much easier for the devs, and much simpler for the playerbase.

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Perhaps they cost a lot more perk slots so it limits how much they can do with their build or cons to these perks such as reduced resistance to melee for Heavy Hitter or something similar. Make it a trade off