LOTR Rings of Power in a Nutshell

And I don’t give a shit? Bring in new talent and give people a chance. Prey gave new people their big break and it did well, no matter your opinion on the film personally, it was received positively to the overall movie goers and that’s all that matters and proves that people are open to new things.

Even if Robin William’s was a white dude taking that role in the beginning, Will Smith did a meh job on the film. I personally don’t care about his acting, remake is shit, and people should be making new content. Could have an arabian dude do better? Perhaps, perhaps not, but we can never know now because no one gave the idea of casting that person a chance.

People are already getting mad at the concept of black superman, which is coming sometime soon, so whatever you’re trying to go here, I really don’t see where are you getting at because either way black or fat Superman is going to get shat on because DA AGENDA.

I can’t throw my hat on the series as I have no interest on it, but it just sounds like a you problem.

A buddy of mine had a pretty funny idea for a movie where basically its american slavery but it’s race swapped as white people being slaves and black people being slave owners or at least I thought it was funny idk about yall though

There were black slave owners in America and the Irish were sold into slavery by the British

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Yeah,we actually had a whole ass conversation about that last night funny enough

People are already getting mad at the concept of black superman, which is coming sometime soon

Instead of giving minorities a palette swap of an established character, why not give Steel another movie? The already existing Black Superman style character. Or maybe instead of doing the same character over & over, why doesn’t John Stewart get a movie as Green Lantern? Where is Static Shock’s movie? Icon? Where’s the Cyborg solo movie, why he gotta be a side character in Justice League shit? Why aren’t they making movies for & promoting already existing & excellent Black characters?

Because it’s easier to raceswap an established character and promote the movie based on controversy these days. Because then it would destroy the narrative that people hate Black characters, which is already a false narrative because BLADE HAD THREE FUCKING MOVIES AND WAS THE FIRST SUPERHERO MOVIE TRILOGY. Wesley Snipes to this day is beloved across the world because he IS Blade. And nobody wants him replaced, which is part of why the MCU Blade movie is gonna fail: that and the fact it isn’t gonna be R Rated. Also notice how Miles’ Spider-Verse movie was one of the most successful animated & superhero movies, notice how it made that character a household name. Notice how EVERYBODY is hyped for the sequel.

Stop accepting these dogshit palette swaps & start promoting already existing Black characters, start demanding that characters like Static & Cyborg get their own stuff. Fuck, go & ask for another Spawn movie, Spawn is perhaps THE most iconic Black Superhero & he deserves another shot. He is THE coolest motherfucker, get some respect on his name.


Neh that’s just cringe

Because making superman black or fat is an agenda, yes.
You got it.

As for giving people a chance, its a fucking job. It goes to who’s qualified. You earn it. I think anyone losing a role to Will Smith would accept he’s the better and more established actor, whether or not they’re Arabian.

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Because those are black characters and they’d rather ride the coattails of white characters then use the actors as a shield. Just remake, throw some political commentary in, and call everyone racist.

We’re never getting another Spawn I guess.


The greatest modern tragedy of all, characters like Spawn are being cast aside for the lazy, and ultimately racist, palatte swaps of other characters. Spawn, Blade, Static, etc. Their legacies, their impacts are all being swept under the rug because they ruin the narrative.

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These people don’t realize that we would just be as offended and upset if they swapped a canonically black/asian/Hispanic etc character into a different race/ethnicity.

Instead of writing and promoting well written characters who happen to be X race, they just make them X race cry racist when the character gets criticized for being badly written.

Anyone remember Speedy Gonzalez? The Hispanic rat cartoon? Yeah turns out Hispanics, largely from Mexico, LOVED him and were up in arms when the woke progs tried to get rid of him for being “racist”.


A lot of people really try to revise history and say nobody was fucking pissed when a white dude played Goku in Evolution. NOBODY liked that, that movie was so fucking bad Toriyama came out of retirement to bring DB back just so that movie wouldn’t be the last major product the series got.

And this isn’t even going in to how everybody called the MCU out on making the Ancient One a white woman instead of a Tibetan dude because they were pandering to China. Or how everybody fucking despised M Night’s Avatar movie and its massive raceswapping plague. ALL Raceswaps are bad, they’re all racist.

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I mean these people are going to call you racist no matter what, so I just agree with them and let them spit in fury.


Nah I think they’re the racists. They literally don’t believe that minority characters can exist on their own without taking from other races, even other minorities sometimes. They don’t have a creative bone in their fucking body.

Well yeah but they aren’t capable of self reflection. Easier to accuse others of your own faults… projection as it were.

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It pisses me the hell off because actually unique, actually cool & groundbreaking characters are being written off & swept under the rug in favor of lazy raceswaps. These people have NEVER read an issue of Spawn, they have never even heard of characters like John Stewart or Static Shock. They don’t want actual Black characters. They are ignorant, they are racist: history will prove them wrong in the long run.

Even more insulting is they think that a character having the pigment of their skin changed will suddenly make them more relatable to people: that this somehow magically makes them instantly iconic to a demographic.

Fucking Gohan will always be more inspirational & impactful to Black & Hispanic communities then a lazy raceswap ever could. This dude will always outclass any color swap of an established character for minorities and he’s fucking Asian. He solos, because people want good characters with relatable stories, not a fucking checklist of quotas to meet.


You go to a Mexican restaurant and see DBZ artwork on the walls and you know that foods going to be fire.

Also I never understood the whole “this character needs to be more like me (ie skin color, sexuality) for me to relate to them!”. You know what characters I relate to? Well written ones regardless if they’re male or female, white or black, hell even some alien characters I’ve related to.


Nothing Hollywood could do can ever top the cultural impact & significance of this.


I love that shit. Or how so many Japanese people love the wild west aesthetic and cowboys. Cowboys and samurai, separated by distance not time.

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Be the American that Japanese people think you are.