Matchmaking issues

I’m in the European region GMT+4.

Something is really wrong with the predator matchmaking.

A simple example. I choose FT, get to the lobby, where 4 marines are waiting. There is no predator. We wait about a minute. Okay, I think, if there are no predators in queue, then I’ll take him. I go out and quickly get into the predator’s queue. And … wait 8 minutes until the next lobby! The match lacks a predator, but matchmaking just doesn’t join me to the lobby.

After that, history repeats itself. I get into the full random FT squad. We are waiting for a predator again. Nothing. I go out again and take the predator. And again I wait without joining 8 minutes.

Or. After 8 minutes waiting as a predator, I get an empty lobby. Not a single marine is joining. I’m out. And again I have to wait 10 minutes…

Predator  Hunting Grounds Screenshot 2020.12.29 - Predator  Hunting Grounds Screenshot 2020.12.29 -

It doesn’t seem like such awful predator wait is happening because there are too many people in the queue. If there were so many predators in the queue that the estimated time is 8-10 minutes, we wouldn’t have an empty slot for him that doesn’t even fill up.

Including a similar problem arises if the ft player leaves the lobby. In half of the cases, the game doesn’t find a replacement for him, and after a couple of minutes all the players leave it.

Another problem is resetting the player’s level. This issue happens about 10-30% of the time. My level is displayed as -1, and all characters except the default are locked.


It sometimes happens to me too. That as Pred I don’t have a full lobby. Over the course of the time where I play maybe two times out of ten or more matches. But if I for example see people stream and I can add them I always suggest that they could invite if they have no Predator because even when it is a friend inviting me I make no difference and hunt everybody alike.

And if I happen to have just on soldier in the room I wait and if no one is coming I become the fireteams companion and help him do the mission.

I think there just aren’t many people playing

Eh…I dunno. I think the opposite. Lot of new players plus a lot of returning in anticipation of the update

Hope so!

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Level -1 is a bug that is roaming around since the beta. Don’t know what’s causing it but you will get everything back in the end of the match (accompanied by a very loud unlock sound that blows eardrums out).

Though I must say I don’t get it that often and my default are the very first loadouts I made, so I don’t mind it that much when it is happening.

Yep, it’s not very critical, but it’s a little tedious to constantly change the default character. Or annoying when I catch this bug and I can’t play who I wanted.

i got the same thing yestrday all day long. but more like 8-9 minutes wait times for predator.
Had about 2 good matchmakings, but 2-3 were either PC parties or empty or emptying lobbies (one or two stayed then left after seeing nobody).