I don’t know who he is but I will take your word for it. I just took issue with calling PC players cheaters.
I also don’t believe PS players who turn it off are cowards. I think they want easy games. I don’t think easy games translate into cowardice. There is nothing to be afraid in games :P
Well, there is no rivalry here, just hate. :D
One of both is a well-known Top-Tier player who’s able to have nearly every other player for breakfast, while the other one will call you cheater as soon as you kill him.
Video below: 2 PC, 2 PS players. I turned crossplay on as I’m hoping to come across you Fantasma. Will you hide under the map like the chicken shit coward you are though? Or will you just quit out of the game like you did when another player on this forum found you?
Fantasma Coward hiding underground:
Fantasma Coward quitting when confronted by a player he’d been shit talking:
No, I will not get out of your sight. I am here to remind you how terrible person you are each time you post such stupid comment.
I tried to explain to you why game can’t be balanced, even one of your PC Elite friend tried to do that. Either you are too stupid to get that simple fact or are you just whining like immature person when you don’t get what you want?
It’s not for the easy games, it’s too avoid playing PC Squads.
Some console squads are really good. Winning or losing can come down to who makes the most mistakes or which mission the FT has to complete.
With crossplay off, you don’t have to worry about players with ridiculous rotation speeds, getting sniped across the map constantly, or turning the grimtech19 into a machine gun.
You do understand that everything you said there translates into PS predators having easier games right?
PC death squads are very few. So few its not even relevant.
Some consoles squads are really good but far worse then PC squads? If not, then why not turn on cross play?
By ridiculous rotation speed you mean people actually having the ability to track and shoot the predator? I’ve seen COUNTLESS examples of predators running literal circles around PS players and they can’t track and shoot them. What this translates into, ITS GOOD how it works for PC and SHOULD be implemented to PS FT players, not avoided…
You no longer get snipped across the map because of cloak, well perhaps you SOMEHOW end up against the best of the best FT players. I sure as hell can’t see cloaked predators across the map.
The grimtech19 fire speed can be achieved on a controller if the players is good. If a PC players uses a macro its made more easy to achieve it but it can be achieved with regular button smashing. If I can smash my mouse button and do it, a controller can do it just as welll.
All in all people with crossplay off are going to find 90% + (yes I pulled that out of my ass) random that are going to have very easy games since so many PS players are complete casuals.
What you get with cross play on, in the vast majority of games are 1-2 PC players (at best) that could make more balance teams since they can actually TRACK AND SHOOT the damn predator. This is very, very hard with a controller. On the other hand shooting the PC is far more easy (huge AOE) and melee comes natural on a controller. Also FT is far slower then the predator = more easy to hit.
So we have whining PC Elite players complaining that nobody want to play with them, claiming every PS predator is scared of them, leaving their lobbies immediately.
Now we have PS player willing to play them, just asking about parameters for private match so the game may be balanced.
I am sorry @MassImpact124 in my opinion you can’t get settings for fair play asking dishonest people. For example they do not consider using macros as cheating. Another example, they willingly set rules for the match and if they start to loose, they break those rules just to win the match. They are having great time kicking butts in public games against randoms, they are not interested in challenges against PS players in which they may loose.
I mean, we play privates with no support, no field medic, no tracker, no yautja bane…we still win 4/5 matches against the best of the best. So, any PS top tier pred is welcome to play against us with the same rules.
…and the pred always hosts so he/she can have the best latency.