My last Illfonic game: is this game half-a-scam?

Read the thread mate.
They sold the game based on an advertised feature that is not available (even 2 months after the release of the game it’s not available), that is what is called false advertising or consumer fraud.
They can not refuse a refund.

Thats works? I can now refund half of my steam libary because the trailers sometimes showed different graphics and missing mechanics

Btw if you unistalled the game and got the refund. Why are you still on these forums? To shit on illfonic? To tell everyone that they should also uninstall the game?

Once again you seem to have an issue with reading…

How are you not able to read and comprehend basic sentences?

So epic offered you a refund but you only get it when you need it too?

Once again the reading thing…
(Here’s a piece of advise, maybe actually read things before typing responses).

Dude just explain your fukin situation and stop repeating yourself “you cant read duuhh”

Mate I have linked to all the information you are questioning multiple times & you keep asking questions based on the exact information contained there.

So either you have issues reading or comprehending.

So you have 2 weeks time to get the refund or what?

So you leave the game in 2 weeks if the update sucks and you keep playing it if you like the update?

actually it’s now down to one week nearly (8 days), to finalise the refund and get my money back or cancel the dispute.


I will give you that one on the departed, but with such a talented cast around him, they were just talented flies around a pile of shit (Damon)

Dude, you’re probably one of the smartest and most sane people I’ve met on this forum. Respect to you for this

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I dont know why, but i have a feeling the next patch in july is going to make up for everything and be super great…

… but i could be wrong 🧐 🤔😐

Sure. Seems like a sound assumption based on previous patches. 😐 🙁😩😭

Yeah for real. Ive been super supportive from the beginning, but this last patch was kinda sad. Now im worried where this game is going from here on out


This was incredibly smart and well thought out. Seeing a post like this on this forum is like seeing Bigfoot’s dick. Well done.

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I wish you were right… but you know. At some point you got to stop hoping and start to recognize the patterns. I think I trusted Illfonic until Patch 1.04, after that the doubt was starting. I mean… “it happens”, games get released and are buggy as hell at release. Something went wrong, an old build got uploaded, various reasons.

Illfonic even pushed a quick hotfix right after the release that showed they actively worked on fixes. They even spoke to the community, everyone was happy and supportive.

It turned when every patch ‘almost’ brought more bugs to the game than it fixed. And the sad reality is… this is a company that is required to pay their employees. Meaning that if we - the playerbase - want the developers to keep fixing this game? We have to keep paying for DLC… get friends to get the game as well.

But I can’t recommend this game to friends. They love my stories about this game, but they don’t want to play a “broken” product. For a game like this, the Predator gameplay has to be flawless. Evolve didn’t even try to create fancy levels that looked natural, it was designed so the monsters always felt like it was fair. Like the game wasn’t holding them back. For everyone that remembers, the hunters in Evolve had the most broken mechanics, but it was like 1% broken, you learned to live with it (jetpack climbing for example).

In this game… leaping for the Predator is basically Russian roulette. More so when engaging a good team. Hitscan weapons make snipers overpowered as hell. In any game.

Remember Halo & Halo 2 on PC? Remember the playerbase that got good with “no-scope” snipers? It flipped the entire balance in favor of any sniper. Because Halo also has hitscan (human) weapons. The bullet hits when you shoot, there is no travel time or bullet drop. Hunt Showdown literally balances weapons with bullet speed (vellocity) meaning there is a noticable difference between pistols, rifles and snipers, simply because of their bullet velocity. It balances everything, it makes distant targets much harder to hit.

It will balance snipers for Predator as well… but it will be an extra handicap for Playstation players.

From what I’ve gathered this game was originally designed to be a Playstation only game, but PC players got lucky.

Right now… PC makes the Fireteam overpowered… not only because of their ability to aim, but also because you can literally “click heads” with your weapons. No weapon sway, no bullet travel.

There is too much that feels like an afterthought. And it shows.

If it takes 6 more months to fix this game, then I wonder what happened during development. What happened to their productivity and ability to rework some core programming so future fixes won’t break underlying mechanics.

How is it that major gameplay mechanics are affected when changing completely different systems? I know the answer, but if I say it out loud “I’ll be the asshole”. I said it a few times already.