New FT Classes - C.I.A., Medic, Researcher/Lab Tech

No but you are certainly welcome to add one. I am working on a couple more class idea’s but I never considered a Demolition Class, that’s a damn good idea.

They can still get trapped, but yeah the system identifies threats, so if you don’t have any weapons it discounts you. The reason it doesn’t limit the Predator, is I didn’t want a team to try cheesing it by running 4 Researchers (Still want to try that).
So the Predator can still kill or claim them, it just makes you a less honourable Pred but with no mechanic that punishes you. Not against the devs adding one but also didn’t want the class ruled out because it gets a bonus class skill in Non-target Status.

way to steal others ideas and post a huge forum about it… You start adding class… it starts to become class specific loadouts. Thats what I think

Really? Who’s ideas do you think I’ve stolen?

PS. Thanks for the bump, 😉

If you want me to go through and show you or just admit it

Have at it. Buddy

There’s no rocket launcher or flame thrower in my post.

If you mean right at the bottom of that post where it mentions turrets or a turret class, I don’t have a turret class and having a turret is just parallel thinking, they are common in these games.

Just like your flame thrower idea is the same as the other five people who suggested it.

If your post had any of the other stuff mine does, you might have a complaint or would you like credit for all turrets in all video games, asshole.


i’m just saying fuckhead that I have read numerous posts over and over about class loadouts.

They are not going to happen
Turrets arnt going to happen due to it being overpowered-Turret sniper camping on roofs
Until there is actual true class balance on FT… FT will always have advantage till the alpha game is no longer alpha…
Biggest nerf i can think of is health kits take up a weapon slot/ or 50 percent heal off healkits since they are everywhere. 50 percent heal also stops FT from toping off so if you only took 40 smg you only get 20 heal

Calling me a thief isn’t a good way to start a conversation.

I tried to balance both versions of the turret that I suggested to prevent it from being abused, it why I gave up and equipment is a class skill so if you want a turret you’re bring the turret in your primary slot and your playing that weaker class.


either way the ai needs huge adjustments… missions need to be longer… sniper needs sway on it cause its to ez to use.

The only way to get me to play as FT is to put Jeri in the game ASAP

@YUPPERS I think you’re being a little overly aggressive.
He’s not going to get an award or paid for these ideas. I don’t think he’s ‘stolen’ anything.
People will often have similar ideas than other people. I’m sure many of the perks I came up with, others had already thought of.

If you both have the same ideas and want the same thing, surely this is a good thing?

Let’s focus on supporting those with similar ideas to ourselves, as hopefully the end result is us all getting a game that has more of the content many of us want to see.


it came off wrong… all im trying to say is were all prolly tired of hearing about classes or improvements… not tired of peoples ideas… tired of the linear game-play and in slot best items. No matter what a pred at higher elo is running plasma pistol and combi or elder and this isnt what i hoped for.

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Sounds like we’re totally on the same page! :D
I’m sick of all those things too!

It’s cool, we’re good. We all want a better game.

For me, I like making suggestions. I like reading others suggestions because they’re interesting or funny or they give me ideas.
I tried to include things in the OP (original post) that would make the engagements more interesting while not necessarily buffing the damage out put of the team.

The C.I.A, is good for sneaking off and being a distraction then fading away, or could be with the right perks. If the Pred wipes the team, they have a good shot at calling in reinforcements.

The Medic lets the FT have better heals and faster pick up, but if you use those pickups you can’t quick heal yourself and your bonus kit is only usable on your team. Your fighters can spend more time trading but they need to protect you.

The Researcher is good at objectives at the cost of not being the best soldier. They give new ways to secure a small portion of the map, but the new resources are destroyable. They’re limited by set up time and can mostly only be placed and left, not picked up and moved, so you need to pick a good spot. If you load up on equipment you’re sacrificing weapons and lowering the teams total dps overall.

Even running 4 of any of these classes won’t (shouldn’t) unbalance the match. I’m sure it will happen with Medic and Researcher. Researchers self balance by trading weapons. Medic gives me slightly more worry because there’s no check on them running meta guns. If necessary the extra health bag could be permanently locked to the secondary weapon slot. Don’t think it will be necessary though.

this is why i dont play FT…!!! to ez

You only got 60 dmg, lol

Edit - I kid. That’s a really nice score, you on PC? (Dumb me, it shows you are in the picture.)
PS. If I ever call you donglord you’ll know why.

only 60

Concepts are interesting but over all not really needed, ft has so many means to heal themselves a medic class would just be…there I guess you could say, cia op: that’s just a given for people to complain ft is op even though that passive ability would be over all useless. I don’t use the pred thermal to mark my targets I just use it to locate noise to track my enemies, find boar and what with the mud up ability I use my eyes to visually see me prey so again not really needed but still interesting concepts.

Must admit, I’ve never gotten that high in damage. :)

Must have been a halfway decent Predator and game to have been able to heal up that many times for you to get that kind of damage. Would have been nice to have seen the entire player list.

Also didn’t realise you were Flash Gordon. I’ve heard your name a few times. I think some of the guys in the group I play with a lot went up against you recently. I can’t remember the outcome though, only that it was a close game.

I’ve never had the pleasure. ;)