New Predator Class: Scarface(Concept) + Bonus Weapon Concept

One of the most skilled, seasoned Predators on record. Having disgraced himself, he was exiled for a century and having weathered his punishment was allowed the chance to clear his name and restore his legend. This Predator wiped out an entire empire of gang lords, cartels, hostile Predators and hybrids, and superhuman soldiers by himself. Mistakes cannot be made when dealing with this Predator.


Health: 1350
Stamina: 1200
Stamina Regeneration: 150/s
Movement Speed: 9.9m/s
Energy Capacity: 1380
Energy Regeneration: 90/s
Gear Points: 13
Perk Points: 13
Overload Cooldown: 15 Seconds

6.7% bullet resist
33% Explosive damage resistance

Specializations: Tactician, Warrior, Stalker

New Predator Weapon: Maul

A tonfa-inspired heavy cutting blade intended to inflict the maximum amount of damage possible within a very short range. This weapon is rarely seen among even Blooded Predators, and is bestowed upon the most deserving of hunters. The skill required to master this weapon is comparable to that of life-long training undergone by the nomadic clans of Pan-Asia, who oddly enough bare similarities to the hunters themselves.

First attack swings the Maul directly in front of the Predator at chest height.

Second attack repeats the same motion with the opposite hand while also ensuring to jab the tip of the blade to the Predator’s rear. Meaning this attack can deal damage to both the area in front of and behind the Predator.

Third attack draws the wristblades for a moment in order to execute this attack. During this attack, the Predator is very briefly stationary. With the wristblades drawn, the Predator opens its arms and violently lunges forward crossing both arms in an X formation, and repeats the motion in the opposite direction, bringing both arms back to its sides and retracting the wristblades after the attack is finished

Heavy attack is a charged melee. Longer charge, more damage. Up to a maximum of 2.75 seconds, this attack can be charged by vigorously twirling the Maul at the handle to build devastating momentum and ultimately swing with an immeasurable force against the target. This attack must be released and cannot be indefinitely held. Naturally, stamina consumption will be determined by the duration of the charge, with an initial cost to cast the attack.

First attack: 39
Second attack: 39+5 bleed
Third attack: 42.5 x 2
Heavy attack: 30-87 Cannot be Parried
Heavy attack minimum charge of .50 seconds: 30
Heavy attack maximum charge of 2.75 seconds: 87
Heavy attack initial drain: 115
Heavy attack maximum drain: 316
Heavy attack drain per second: 114.90
Total stamina cost of fully charged heavy: 431

Predator-Concrete-Jungle-NE 93yftwc9pck91

For reference


Yeah and the cloaking stripper assassins on FT side

Concrete Jungle is cringe.

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Better story than PHG

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The what? And how so?

The people who had cloaking tech

Baby Blew.

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Why are you the way you are?

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Oh, right. I thought you meant the AVP 2010 Club Eden holo stripper lmao

But seriously, that level was fuckin’ wack

It was 100% worse than The Predator.

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@OldKingHamlet If you can’t give your opinion on it, that’s understandable and we won’t bother you about it. But if you are able, we’d greatly appreciate it



He should come with new gear item and range weapon

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Speargun would be nice…

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There were no humans turning themselves into predator hybrids in The Predator.

Your just an Alien fan that thinks almost everthing a Predator does or has is stupid xD

Confess your sins!

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Predators was the 2nd best in the franchise


Not wrong, not wrong. Big fax


Someone clearly doesn’t like good stories you must be a SJW

Ok yes i can agree with that xD

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