Next DLC Predator Poll.

My top 5( Dont know enough comic pred sorry)

  1. Predalien
  2. Super Predator
  3. Jungle Hunter
  4. City Hunter
  5. Assasin Predator

Can Predalien really be justified on this list tho? also Elder is already in the game. Or is this just a personal list? If so disregard 👍 because I would actually like to see a Predalien in this game 😂 as well as Scarface from CJ tho he’s much higher on my list

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I mean Predlalien is abomination according to the lore but it has predator dna so yes, how they would implement into game well thats there call, they can make predlaien however they want, they made the Samurai Predator so they have the ability to do that.

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It a personal list

I voted for Predalien in the poll


I’d be OK if Predalien was a skin, but a mechanically different predator would be awesome


I feel like if they did add the Predalien as a playable class it would be a bit weird but not impossible just assign the buttons to different parts of the body instead of activating different gear, not sure if you would really need the weapon wheel but I guess it could be switching from claws to tail or acid spit but IMO it would work better with a simple remapping now as far as getting the “any surface traversal” thing working right when everything is an obstacle in this game I’m not that savvy with how games are coded to answer that but you could add a throw back to the OG AVP and replace the Pred Leap with the Xeno Pounce 😁


I’m curious how the hell they would do that but this what I imagine likely, natural thermal vision cant use weapons and no cloak but is max stamina and speed no gear and 4 bars of health.

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I’d love a pounce ability


It could straight up knock a FTM down and then you could follow up with tail or claws ect. like BITD, but you could give it a longer cool down so you can’t just abuse the HELL out of it…also like BITD 😂. I also think that Predalien(or any XENO they may add) should have access to Stealth Kills out the gate since they can’t cloak and have no ranged weapons outside of maybe acid spit. Also I think that impaling a FTM from behind while hanging from a tree would be rad…and I don’t want to have to down him 3 times first 😂

It shouldn’t be paid cause then were stepping into pay to win territory, however if its free it should be really high level unlock cause if its not balanced right it could just shred through teams on first engagement.

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I don’t think Predaliens have thermal, but I know Xenos can sniff you out. I’d also say they wouldn’t have maxs speed, but the lowest when not on all fours

The way I think they should do it is.
Replace thermal and target isolation with smellovision
Replace leap with pounce
Replace cloaking with a crawling dash
And give them the ability to eat humans to gain some health

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I tried looking around for what vision they see but I couldn’t find anything so Im assuming its the same as a Xeno, so eletrical implulses would be how it worked most likely.

No they see in
That’s the only explanation

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Not really its limited to melee only mostly and that doesn’t work out too well against good FTs right now, even with super speed and the ability to crawl on anything if they all focus on you while your scratching you going down…although do you explode with acid in all directions when you second wind? Does the trail you leave behind melt things?? And hurt those who walk on it?

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I would like them to rework the Predalien lore if they are going to add it.

The whole plot reason they had in Requiem was hella dumb. I understand they needed more Xeno’s but having it attack pregnant women was icky. The genius of Alien was giving men the same fear of birth as women can experience (not all women have this fear and mostly in cinema it is done badly, Alien is the exception). Predalien intended or not, forces that back solely on women.

Give it an ovipositor in its throat and just have it be able to infect anyone like a Face Hugger. You don’t need to retcon, the extra aliens babies from Requiem are just an aberration.

I do think it would be a blast to play and do hope we get to do that at some point.


wolf can kill very easy…
his arsenal makes the difference…and mr black died cuz of a human…wolf died cuz of a bomb when he killed the predalien…soo mr black is good for the game that it is now(witch is trash)…change my mind.

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I could debate you all day in a 1v1 with wrist blades only Mr. Black wins every time but I have better things to do


Predalien couldn’t be just a skin. He has corrosive blood and doesn’t use any weapons that aren’t a part of it’s anatomy. I would love to play as a predalien though