Next DLC Predator Poll.

Hopefully we get wolf after Mr black and scar. I think those were the only 2 predator leaked.

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Once again I could go into actually character lore and explain how Mr. Black outranks Wolf completely in an even 1v1. Any predator could win a fight with a superior arsenal is a bad blood…he dosent even know how to kill a xenomorph…and u tell me is better?
he may be, but vs humans and his way of killing are way too barbaric.
is like a match vs a boxer and a mma fighter.
and the mma fighter wins.

and second, character lore? of what? of mr. black? he got killed by a piano guy dude…


Wolf Predator wins IMO just based on the evidence in the movies most notably when he fights the Predalien at the end of AVP:R he is holding his own against a creature that I would argue is stronger and deadlier than Mr. Black in almost every way. Whereas Mr. Black’s most notable achievement was slaying another “classic” style predator that was btw starved and left crucified for an undisclosed amount of time which makes him seem like a coward and a bully not a skilled hunter or warrior.


More physically deadly than the predator species as a whole. It’s like if Ripley just ran up and tackled the xenomorph in Alien w/ a knife in hand Lol.

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Alien would of ended pretty fast .-.

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Granted he died in CQC mutual destruction but aliens are stronger than the host species by default xd, and its a young queen.

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Yeah poor big chap, that is why a Predalien is stronger than a predator, imagine if it was host to a super predator though.

I really don’t see a lot of physical differences between zerk and the classic he fought even though the guy was strung up for days. They tackled eachother and rolled around on the ground.

If we’re talking Assassin from the shitty new movie he definitely has an edge vs predalien, but hes 50% cybernetic bs upgrades that alien can’t do shit about because its a non-biological advantage even if he was a host. Black didnt do anything crazy notable like chokeslaming another predator after pulling it through concrete either.

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I’m talking if the host was a super predator, the sub species not Mr.Black.

They don’t really seem any stronger or resilent. Just a subspecies. Died to grenades, a katana, and the pianist with an axe.

Fair is there not enough lore for people to dertermine or is just all over the place?

Nothing from the movies indicates supers are any more resistant to damage than city hunter lol.



It seems theatre super predators are classified by those with abnormally good genes in comparison to the regs

I’m late to the party but the predalien is not a predator. Otherwise, the alien would be a human. Xenomorphs take some DNA from their host, but they don’t become the species of their host.

The predalien skinning predators was the dumbest thing ever but I digress

I’m going to say wolf is better becuase we’ll never know how skillful beserker could truly be. The only only thing we know is he’s killed at least 2 regular preds,one that was stung up and the other one whose mask Boland wears. He said to have superior intelligence but we don’t know to what extent that goes too when it comes to fighting either

Dude sees some fire = angry screeching
Change vision modes = more screeching
Get hit in the head, parried, stunlocked, die.

lol outplayed.

Really the einstein champion of the predator species. Atleast JH missed the second trap but caught the first one displaying some level of intelligence.