Next DLC Predator Poll.

I mean in the video matchup that NOTAWOLF posted, the points difference given for equipment were only 3. And if we take them off wolf still won. sooooooooooo :P

But yea as someone said, its like comparing a Boxer with an MMA fighter.

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Literally anything other than mr black or the one from the predator please.

Not surprised wolf is winning. He’s like a more elaborate version of JH.

No AVP Predators without Xenomorphs!


Yeah I figured as much, I want Mr.Black but thats because I love his design, I dont really care whos stronger.


He had better have a great roar!

If he wasn’t so arrogant he could have killed Royce

It’s the main reason Predators die. They take their prey too lightly.


Yup they are super cocky half the time.


That could almost be said about any of them.


Most. The only clean kill I can think of was the Yakuza. And JH and CH. IDK I’m stoned…

Kill clean meaning in a duel.

To be clear I am not dissing on anyones choice, everyone has the favorite and that is okay.

Yeah, the other all messed about when they shouldn’t have.

Wolf got nuked so really that’s not his fault.

(Finally done work and getting there myself, I need a joint emoji, 🤣)


Personally I say Wolf whips Mr Black regardless of Arsenal. Wolf fought a bigger, stronger Predalien hand to hand and the Predalien had to use its tail to get an advantage. Wolf just has superior hand to hand skills. Mr. Black would go down fighting but he would go down.

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He fought through a predalien hive depleting most of his gear (mines, shuriken, powerglove?), his caster was busted, then he dropped the handheld.

Odds were pretty bad. He still never got ambushed and thats more than can be said for 90% of preds especially vs aliens

I’m suprised cleanup crew doesn’t bring more firepower but then again he wasnt expecting to chase a predalien across the city or deal with that many aliens


I can hear tears dropping to the floor right about now!

PRed mains leaving the room…all upset mummbling “October…sober October”.

I’d give you a tissue but you know, internet.

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I’ll keep it up until the next Predator dlc.


Awesome 3 months from now

Lol hopefully not.

Its good to see the fireteam getting content though even if its Dutch again but still good none the less