No, lowering the graphics is not cheating, no matter what you say/think

Let me know what percentage of eSports tournaments are done in consoles and then come and talk about how PC players are “not taken seriously anymore”

They really should get a pro patch for ps4 pro, boost mode doesnt make a difference (atleast for me)its below 30 almost always, and pc well optimization is garbage on both sides ps4 and pc.

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I wasn’t talking about Esports nor competitive scenes was I? There are reasons why games are taken to the competitive format on PC just as there are reasons for games being taken to the competitive format on other platforms. PC isn’t a end all be all. This is the type of gatekeeper shit that would make you think the console wars are still going.

As for the issue at hand, it’s pretty clear as to the actual facts of the situation. I’ve never once met a good PC Fireteam Member after weeks of playing Crossplay and dealing with PC Predators as a Ps4 Player.

It’s an unfair advantage. But it’s not game breaking. It’d be nice if there was a visibility fog so low graphics can’t be abused.

But I just feel bad for people that do that. They must really suck at the game to lower the graphics for that extra advantage. It smells like desperation.

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I love that video. Lol.

Atleast be honest OP. Its a pretty big advantage as there’s no fog and it still renders the entire map & the pred looks like a grey blob in the distance. You can stand on a hill and see from one compound to the next without all the clutter. Most of the tree foliage is outright removed and the predator runs around as the only textured moving object in the game lol. Trying to justify it is pretty dumb, you sound like the people that join night maps in games and then adjust their gamma to see everything. What’s the point?

Inb4 “but my sniper hits an unrendered branch at 5000km so it doesnt matter if I can see where the pred is leaping across the map” because I hear that one a lot too. Lowest should be console settings and yeah that includes motion blur if thats what the game is being balanced around & I normally can’t stand motion blur. If you’re locked at 30 frames with the console players so be it tbh. Draw distance is way too high on low settings, plain and simple.

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Fucking what? uh yea it is heres a flawless bullet proof counter point.

ps4 cant lower settings, pc can. ergo pc for being pc gets a massive leg up. ergo cheating.

also if the game was ment to be played that way why even have higher settings to begin with? wouldnt it make more sense to keep them low have everyone on the same playing feild?


Pc players are now the spoiled rich kids whos parents feed them shit from a silver spoon. They think they are gods but lack the skills to make up what the hardware cost. If any real pro pc players picked this game up. No pc or console player would be able to compete with them. If you adjust ur graphics to the point where the pred cloaked is still visible that is cheating plain and simple. Tbh i wouldnt mind if Illfonic just removed the pc crossplay completely and let u “pc” players play each other till all of you leave


I mean, we mostly always play with crossplay off anyway, so, no harm there

since exactly when do you not play this game or talk with someone who actually plays it on PC? fog was added to low settings like three weeks into the game release

Nah dude here’s a fact most PC gamers are lowering their graphics to have a better frame rate which is true BUT they also do it to see the Pred even when invisible.

This is cheating so take your Salt and drop it you got no rebuttal.


Yea no only you think thats any kind of incentive to not set everything to low where pred sticks out like a sore thumb. If they made fog even remotely demanding your shitrig would explode, can’t compete with a ps4 on medium/low & trying to justify it rly?

But just like gamma shitters, you can’t be reasoned with

It is cheating if you can see the predator while it’s cloaked, but that’s why I keep cross play off cause I don’t like cheaters :)

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It’s not ‘cheating’, because the game allows it.
Could it be considered ‘unfair’ due to PS4 players not also have the same option? Sure.

Also none of the graphics settings with the exception of Draw Distance actually has any real advantageous effect what-so-ever.

Two easy solutions.

  1. Give the same options to PS4 players.
  2. Make draw distance also affect the Predator(Player) model/entity.

Aren’t people just lowering the graphics so it’s Uber easy to see the predator? And isn’t that, ya know, cheating?


That’s exactly why they are doing it and they’re trying to defend it by saying it’s not cheating cause they will try and take every advantage they can to win in a game and they don’t like it when they are called out on it.

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My confusion is, clapping predators is already dumbfoundingly easy. So is this extra step at all necessary lol

Not a bad idea. I’m tired of the console/pc division and calling into question the intent of some of the players, when we should just be focusing on the core issues of the game.

The only thing that can help you by lowering your settings is the fooliage. Clocked Predator is the same on high/medium and low settings, if the predator is standing still he is completely invisible. Also lowering view distance is worse for sniping because you don’t know when is the correct time to shoot at the Predator and you will waste 50% of your bullets to a tree.

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