Off topic: The Division PS4

I don’t remember everything.
Phoenix credits are to be used on the Gkobal Events Vendor. There you’ll only find Classified Items and Superior Cache.
5 is the Top Tier World.
Lvl 30 is the max.

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Darkzone credits are obtained on Dark Zone missions or by looting downed players in DZ.

Bottom line: get PS Plus or you’ll never get nowhere near full experience in this game.

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I’m beginning to understand how it works. I’m sure its similar to Division 2 as well.

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Yes. I have that game also. Never played it much. Very similar to the first one so i got bored really quick.

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see unless the sequal has any story driven plots to explore then I think I’m out.
I mean its very much like the Last of Us’s plotline except there are no cordycepts, rather people with the dollar flu. basically the basic flu and dudes with flame throwers who are getting rid of the problem.

It seemingly relies on the plotline of a Covid-style pendemic that we were unprepared for and something that persisted for a matter of years rather than months. then people got lazy and poor and said fuck it and years gone by quickly. The premise of The Division almost looks like it was a 3-4 year pandemic with no vacinne with absolutely no help from the WHO. I didn’t even hear once about what the WHO were doing in this storyline so i take it its a world without UN/NATO/WHO what have you.

an interesting take couple with the notion that burning on mass could happen ala Farenheight 451, not with the burning of books but with burning of people to help cope or rewrite history. Its a very existential storyline that copes with the idea that ones greedy individuality could progress more quickly than global scientific study and intervention.

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I don’t give a damn about story plots no matter how peculiar and well thinked they are. Except maybe on Days Gone it was pretty cool imo.
To my in the end it all resumes on how good gameplay it has, variety on game modes and how addictive it is. Seems odd i say this after i played thousands of hours on PHG but on the other hand i love coop games and all the friendship that may come attached.

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In contrast, i like a good story or an intriguing one. You should care about the story. Its the odds and ends that allow us as people to talk about it to “other” people and not be embarrased about being a gamer!
I go on about the story of Horizon Zero Dawn and its similarities to Frank Herbert’s Butlerian Jihad book.
People talk to me, who aren’t gamers, about The Last of Us and the Cordycepts plague because there is an actual fear in reality that it could be engineered. No doubt this story is a slice of Covid with a little bit of Farenheit 451 if only about the premise of a faction that are burning things with flame throwers.

In contrast, shit like Miles Morrales should take a beating because there are too many teenie bopper ideas. Like everyone in the story gets along perfectly but really they are a bunch of misfits. I have Miles Morales, I can’t say i’m interested in that story plot at all and the gaming loop is horribly simple. I abandoned that game for about a month and a half. Not sure if i’m interested in it until the fall comes or winter.

People who don’t play “video games” will want you to explain it to them.And those people will listen. I think they are really thinking that video games aren’t just video games anymore but more so “virtual worlds” and people craft them with stories much the same way paperback novels use to be.

Most of my close friends (my age) who ‘don’t’ play games on PC or PS often tell me about those Youtube walkthroughs.

Bro if i cared about the story i would read a book or watch a movie instead of playing a game.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, i have nothing against who cares about the story. I don’t, just that.
I won’t explain games to no one because whaylt i may or may not like will not be the same to anyone. And vice versa. Every explanation will have it’s personal opinion in it what leads to mistake the one who listen. You’re interested about a game, play the demo, watch YT videos, borrow the game, download a pirate version etc etc. If you like it, you buy it. That’s what i do and it works perfect for me.

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I get inspired to write about stories. i do other stuff. SO this hobby inspires me to create. It inspires me to read books or watch the equivalent of a film adaptation.

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I will buy you a month

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Nigrom you say things to get me happy.

Gimme your fuckin PSN already nerd. And get Division 2 already


Continue to miss out

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You drunk bitch!

Shit I got 2 or 3 endgame builds, but all need optimization. This was when I was in middle school into high school and was busy af. D2 I’ve got so many good builds. D1 you’d be carrying both of us tho

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I’m pretty close to end game. I think I have one major Medical mission left and I think its end game.