Oh Blood don’t worry your the exception to the 87 rule


Unless the 87 threads can bleed, we can’t kill it

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Anything can bleed we just gotta hit it harder


Im with u on that my dude


Honestly instead of people arguing over a skin they should be arguing with illfonic about fixing the game. I didn’t get to preorder and wished I had. Because don’t get me wrong love the JH skin but guys why fight over a skin on a broken game?

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The ppl who want the skin are usually just the players who want the plat and everything that goes with the game so they can say they have everything

I’m kinda that person too. But people have to see the other side of things. I didn’t preorder so I’m dealing with it. I’m not gonna cry over spilled milk. Other people just need to think that they may never get the skin so just deal with it


Im sorry that you missed out on the Pre-Order but atleast you have the The Elder

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Thank you at least someone has common sense

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I missed it too, while I would like it, im ok with Elder and getting the mask from the box.

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They should just make the mask 25k so that u dont have to maybe get it

Fuck that made me cry cause I saw a man who clearly understands the situation
Edit: Tears of Joy

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Tears of Joy I hopez

Ps give JH to everyone and give the Pre-Order players Wolf, Scar, Celtic, and Chopper for free lol



Honestly, Predalion would have been a cool ass pre order bonus, now if you REALLY want people to feel left out, imagine that as an exclusive.

I pre-ordered and don’t give a shit about exclusives. It’s literally a corporate ploy to generate the money’s. In fact, people who pre-order are stupid (like me). Give people 87. I have a wife and kids and real shit to worry about. #fuckcorporateshitheads

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Basically where I stand when it comes to certain business practices too lol retailer exclusive stuff used to be my biggest gripe

Preorders serve a purpose, if you don’t agree with them that’s fine… don’t speak for others though, some preorder players surely feel differently than you.

Absolutely, pre-orders serve a purpose