OP weapons

Are there any OP weapons, if so why are they op and how would ya rebalance them if you could

Yeah here though the damage output might be a problem exclusively due to stacking of damage boosting %'s though

The disc is probably also on this list but imo there isn’t much i would want to change on it due to the weapon being such high skill ceiling anyway, being inconsistant due to ping and has clear counterplay via ACIGS frags and UAV’s

the SAWZ is op due to dmg output in single shots when mulitiple people have it it can be quite oppresive with high accuracy and it takes masks in 2-3 shots unless you ahve protection

Grimtech and 1011 outclass all other secondaries in the game period and even some primaries (AR-W andGROW and Mercenary all of which are AR’s taht are supposed to be high dps close range guns)

plasma caster is op due to being too energy efficient on most classes and it’s AOE dmg is just waaay to high making it very forgiving to use wrap that with the fact every predator has one it probably shouldn’t be the best weapon brings to the field

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This is mainly the problem. Percentage based damage buffs just don’t work because they make the strongest weapons even stronger, while weaker weapons don’t benefit as much.

Meanwhile health buffs (like thick skin) are a fixed number of HP while OWLF cannot even fully counter downrange or fearless, and even less analytic and stalker.

Ironside and Impenetrable on Pred seem like they don’t work at all and that they work more when a Pred is down than when it is alive and kicking. Protection does work but doesn’t give you any health buff.

case in point, damage buff perks shouldn’t even be on this game anymore. They are not needed, specially after specializations like duelist, deadly, unleashed, stalker, ghost, fervent and analytic were introduced. Those specializations shouldn’t be on the game either unless damage is nerfed or health is buffed.

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Pred is OP in general, needs nerfed

weapons in general are not that op really… i mean yes in that basic generic sense they are but there are a lot of missed chances from illfonic to make the predator was more durable from the distance when cloaked and stuff, or in general way from the distance if you are not using the sniper rifles.

however current sniper rifles have no proper recoil nor the common sense physics design to them as in how heavy the gun is and its hard to actually shoot unless u make it stable which is another thing they should have added for the guns in general.

predator wise, at this point i cant really tell i dont play the game but from the stats ive seen, ft in general should be renamed to predator and predator to like prey or smth…

jokes aside but not really jokes, weapons are not the actual issue here, its how the physics of them act, now on that matter i cba to talk about cause the game is dead, i have already talked about it a yr ago, devs are changing the franchise out of the sudden, they will prolly end up making the game f2p which will cause the current community or what its left of it to leave and then yep… u guessed it they redid what evolve did…

now that makes me wonder, were they actually trying to redo what evolve did but better and more efficient so they can fucking false market the game and scam people and milk the money, cause i know for the fact they deleted like all the posts where they false marketed the game.

im surprised i was not shadow banned due to showing the proof lmao

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What posts do you mean?

Branches are OP


Plasmacaster spam is real. Had a dude last night who ran into spawn and opened fire.

And really you could mitigate this by modifying plasmacasters to where they’re automatic weapons, a beam weapon maybe. And we’ve been asking, a new ranged weapon like a stolen Stargazer rifle or a spear gun would mitigate that. You spam because your build is shit enough you can’t get close. So throw a sniper a bone.

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I love caster spammers because they’re one trick ponies. Get rid of their mask and they don’t know what to do especially when they just stand there trying to hit one of my teammates.

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If I could only nerf one fireteam weapon, it would be the SAWZ50, by about 15 - 20%.

If I could only nerf one predator weapon it would only be the starting damage of the bow by 25%, but not the full charge damage.

Next would be high fire rate Pistols, just reduce the firerate cap by 20 - 25%, but not the damage.

For Predator, the I would either reduce the health of the disks by 50% or reduce the number disks to 2.

Then, I’d significantly increase the damage drop off of the zr-55 and pdw-z, so that their damage is at 90% by 10m.

Then I’d probably increased the energy consumption of the plasma caster by 20%.

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I personally wouldn’t touch the damage of the plasma caster. As many have argued, its the Pred’s main weapon, it should be the most dangerous. Maybe up the cost of a fully charged shot, create a high risk/high reward scenario, where a fully charged shot takes maybe half of a full bar? If you have less than half it takes the rest but the damage is reduced? Makes it so you can’t spam four or five fully charged shots in a row like the Elder or Cleo on one energy bar.

Disc, I think two would be better than 3. Damage output brought down by maybe 30%, so its still hits hard but not the 1HKO it is now.

SAWZ I would bring down, around 15-20% like others say. Up the NRV by maybe 15, or a tad higher than the nerfed SAWZ.

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dont forget foliage too