Patch 2.0 Part I

Wow… I’m at a loss for words. I knew this update was going to be useless

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Oh…so no hp buff no dmg increase?

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Not chance. Invisible pred is still invisible so… the AI will still do nothing to him.

This is Part 1 of the patch notes dipshit. Were still getting content such as Anti-Cloak Grenade, UAV Scanner & the OWLF Rifle with the City Hunter Combistick skin & 3 new predator masks and some other cosmetics. Along with improving the current mode, so quit your bitchin

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yo chill


Wrong. There is an increase of damage resistance during Last Man Standing as well as other buffs


The hand held caster does feel heavier now,like it feels like a beefed up revolver

The LORD Has Spoken 🙏🏼

It says speed on screen. And increased heat.


Also the PDW Z is broken now. Just tested that out.s winds the predator in 2.5 seconds flat

Hey @Courier when am I gonna be able to see my disc shader when controlling it lol I know it’s not a priority but it would be nice lol

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Calls me dipshit to show his little big balls. Lmfao stfu
You must be an imbecile if you think I don’t know this is part one of 2. Get a clue before jumping to assumptions dumbfuck lol

I wish they’d actually give us numbers instead of just saying increased or decreased. Not sure I like all of the decent to good perks costing more. It seems like it might be a way to encourage people coming in from the free trial to stay and then everything will be reverted. If it is, then that’s not a good idea at all. The fact that Bane and OWLF Trained got buffed kinda screams “scrub catering”.

What the hell? You’ve got to be kidding me. Looks like I’m continuing my break then.



what is this meme ass game

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I wish I could tell you hahah. Dude gets upset with me for saying it only increases your speed, meanwhile the buff literally just says speed hahah like how are we supposed to figure any of this shit out? And why are we BUFFING FT WEAPONS?


If anything it’s the developers fault for not adding numbers into the mix and not fully stating in game what increases you get as last man standing. I feel like everything is half assed with them lol. Like no disrespect but it shows. Buff AI damage twice but no actual work on AI and tactics itself. They don’t ever give numbers ever. They don’t even list all your upgrades when last man standing… like I’m not trying to be rude but we are not 5 years old. We want definitive answers.

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This is part one of the update, we get the rest tomorrow!

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I’ll let the team know


Thanks man!!!