Patch Notes 2.08

The only thing I have a problem with is buffed grenade damage in clash, but everthing else is perfect

well let’s see fire team has hit scan, heals way faster, i’m almost postive bezerker only has 1500, piggy is a problem but they spawn by pred which means if the fire team is by the pred its easy to stop it, we may be the advengers but you guys are jesus with a baret 50 cal and a butter knife that acts like a light saber

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I agree

Can we edit this, the new cosmetics? Because there are no new skin patterns, just tints, and I might be wrong, but I don’t remember demon from before the update.

Do you really play this?? Cause if you did, you knew that its unuseful to camp. In fact, camping just offers advantage to the Predator. It gives him time to deploy beartraps, motion detectors, etc.
Sometimes, FT need to regroup in a barrack, to restore health or ammo or just to wait for mission objective completion.
Play the game a bit more, then come back here and discuss when you really know it, ok?

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IMHO, any play style is worth trying or experiencing even if its cheapo dirty .

Love the update still missed some stuff but all around good stuff illfonic keep it up. And viking purchase worked fine for me. Love the helmet and armor

Yes! I hope we can hear it all distorted like in Predator 2.

I agree. But camping is just not effective in this game. Predator has the advantage in medium-long range. And most of the possible camping spots has several entrances, doors, windows, breaches that the Predator can aim through…

Still no predlock fix?

The predlock is the most devastating finishing move in the interworld wrestling federation brother

Doesn’t need a fix

È la classe più scarsa . L’ axe è orribile. Era meglio se la potevi tirare.

The issue has been identified thankfully. Stay tuned.

Awesome, thanks for the update.

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Just updated game and cannot locate where these Selectable Fireteam Specializations are located.

They aren’t in character customization menu nor do they exist at the Mission Briefing when selecting loadouts at the start of a match.

Anyone know how to select these?

On the loadout menu where you see your weapons, perks, gear etc hover over your selected class then press square or whatever it says for PC and you’ll get to choose

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Thanks mate! 👍

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So when it says “damaged targets are weaker” on the leader perk, does that mean just AI or could it mean predator too

Just wanted to make a suggestion for the predators. it might not a priority issue, but there are only 3 types of predator vocals being the default, the city hunter, and the female predator. I think adding different predator voices, for lack of a better term, would give some variety as to which class ppl will favor. The predators from each film sound different, from predator 1 to part 2 and from those to both AVP films as well as the 2010 predators. Point being that it differentiates each predator instead of them all sounding alike as if their cloned only having different armor, skin, and dreds. Again might not be priority but I’m sure it would excite the fan base and give the game some variety. Hope its considered by the team at illfonic and keep up the good work can’t wait for more future content! See you in the jungle 🌴🌴

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@OldKingHamlet can we get a skin for the battle axe where it’s an actual viking axe and not predified? Or not high tech I should say…