Patch Notes 2.08

Halloween around the corner and STILL no black armor shaders? Jk Love the FT update though, great way to force the scrubs to balance!

Still, Predators could use some equal treatment. Itd be sweet if they got class perks as well!

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I dont know what game are you playing man. Even the people who constantly complain “FT is OP” admit that playing as Predator they win 90% of the time.

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Obviously they tried to fix the issue. Unfortunetaly bow is even worse now… it get struck in aiming mode sometimes without possibility to power up and fires immediately.

Bow is my favourite weapon. Am I mad that the issue is still not fixed? No.
Does that bug caused I lost few matches? Probably.
Am I going to play this game even if the bug will not be fixed? For sure!

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Okay this is getting ridiculous, it’s almost been 10 hours and PC players still don’t have the Viking predator. Come on.

The problem comes when you suggest them to fix a certain issue and instead of doing that, they just break the game even more.


Maybe making the AI a bit smarter for some single player missions on that giant map that was leaked??? 😂


Anything on that patch yet?

WHERES @KameofWar !?!?

Lol @OldKingHamlet you guys got us on ice for these dlc packs after we get one im already wantin it to be the the end of the month to see what’s in store lol feels like im a kid waiting to open presents on Christmas and oh do I hope there’s a DANNY GLOVER in one of them presents 🎁

The Viking mask is making me want to make him actually one eyed but I can’t

Now’s the time to expand Predator customization

A section for eyes where you can change the color/style

A section for battle damage

A section for capes

The Armor section needs to be expanded as well

Also his predlocks are super jiggly, it’s quite disturbing

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This is fucking ridiculous, it’s been fourteen hours and Illfonic is completely silent, no news on the problem with Viking DLC. Five hours since they claimed to have identified the problem.

It’s just gonna make us use beserker or Viking to fuck em up it’s all good …fire team gonna have to stop bitching that we use beserker

Like perhaps Pred Teams? Or Pred Duos? I would be fine with either just let me hunt with my Warrior Brethren!
@VENN7eance @Thunder-Cats @Robo_2696
@Anyt1m3 @GetToLaChappa
If you remain silent and do not respond I’ll take it as a confirmation of these as TRUTH!! 😜😁
As you know I am still waiting patiently for a certain new melee attack to be implemented for all Predators, and I know you know what I’m talking about…
You thought it was over!? Never I will bring this up FOREVER!!
In all seriousness tho you could map it to R3 for all Preds and it would be a much needed simple balancing tool to get around getting body blocked and knifed to death by FT because you could just cock back and smack a FTM away from you just like JH did to Arny. I would even be ok if it was something that could only be done in SW and it could even cost you some of your remaining SW run away time making it a trade off and not an abusable tactic. And I don’t think I’m alone in wanting the satisfaction of launching a FTM into the jungle with a nice solid just as mama raised ya Backhand 😜😂
Just pass it along ya know? Bring it up at the next Dev meeting 😁


jesus well i suppose it’ll be fun with the new FT class builds and be kinda shit getting merc’d by AR’s at blinding speed now from assaults

and getting your ammo and hp packs globally marked at the start is fucking crazy

good to see scout being not useless also

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I don’t know man, the “best player in the world” prozipix said he can’t win against PC clowns anymore. He made a whole thread about how frustrated he is now because the FT is way too OP that’s why he’s leaving the game lmaooooo…😆


Ha ha just have to take it like it is. Rofl.

Oh well too bad I’ll take it anyway. The predator got some good changes in the beginning now its ft time. Then it will go back to predator fix ups.

me too.

It is at the same place that you choose class.It 's close to it

Would you like some cheese to go with that wine?