Patch Notes 2.11

After playing a few rounds of Predator and a few rounds of Fireteam, I’m really noticing that Predator is overall harder to kill. This is a good change! THANK. YOU.


Its true…despite all the BS Im still in that Jungle Every Day trying to pull spines…is this masochism? I think this is Masochism…


While I slightly disagree at the Same Time I STRONGLY AGREE!!
personally I would love a unique female class that was more about speed then another tanky big boi BUT all of that can SUCK IT for Wolf I 100% want him more than any other Pred PERIOD I want the double shoulder PC and The Whip and The Blue Goo to pour on a downed FTM instead of claiming him And the Shuriken!
Rant Over…
steps down

Go suck a thumb.
From now on, please just ignore my posts, ok?
If im bichin about buffing Predator, then you’re bitchin about my opinion… That makes you the same, right?
And your opinion is wrong that Pred got nothing! Buffed armor, making it harder to kill! Wasn’t that what you’re asking for? Now what? Still isn’t enough? Just ask for a God Mode already!

Yes. It’s true. But apparently it isn’t enough for some people…

Ffs chill the fuck out.
I’m going to tell you how effective pred “buffs” are.

You have the complete advantage as ft.
That was my point.

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Holy SHIT… petition to rename this game Fireteam Hunting Grounds. Why do you guys wanna limit the predators so goddamn much? Some of these are no brainers like FINALLY increasing their damage threshold… but youre increasing Impenetrable AGAIN?! Do you guys test this shit at all? One FT member alone can still melt a predator 1v1.

The next updates are gonna be a group of female dlc predators and the chick from Predators… as if there’s actually any women playing this game.

And as tradition, with every update comes more bugs… wtf are you guys smoking? We want a FORMIDABLE Predator and more maps. FT is strong enough and doesn’t need any more help. No more money for you. Merry christmas.

UPDATE: so I’ve been playing all day after around a month off cuz… broken game… and I wanted to believe things were maybe balanced and I just needed to be even more careful. Nope! Same bullshit! Fireteam says F the mission, lets hunt down the predator, cuz yknow, thats how you know you made a good Predator game; when the humans aren’t afraid of chasing the space alien with high tech weaponry.

Ilfonic, I know you guys don’t read anything on reddit, Twitter, youtube, etc. I get it, close your eyes and pretend its a great game. Hopefully the jizzmopper at the office will read this and relay some tips for you.

  1. The Predator needs to be formidable. Remove Second wind altogether, and buff the fuck out of the Predators armor. One player should not be able to take down the predator, if you’re caught alone, youre dead, stay with your team. There should never be an option to CHASE THE FUCKING PREDATOR BECAUSE HES ON A TIMER AND IF HE DOESNT STOP TO HEAL FOR 10 SECONDS HE DIES ANYWAY. This is absolutely bad design, guys.

  2. Buff the fuck outta the predators equipment. The plasma caster should be a one hit ko (like the movies), but it needs to be a direct hit with a major drop off in splash damage. Why do we have a handheld caster if we can just spam the shoulder cannon? Balance, guys… The net gun should not be able to be removed and should gradually deplete a players health until downed (you’ve seen the movies, right?), and you only get one net, and its a GEAR item, not a weapon. The battle axe needs to swing faster. The smart disc needs to be faster. And for gods sake the war club needs to do more damage, or be faster. The combistick needs to be faster. The wrist launcher needs to do more damage, or the burn needs to last longer and do more damage.

  3. Either remove parrying, or make FT take slightly reduced damage from parrying. Right now, and since launch, you can parry a predator to death. Why? Because it’d be a challenge for 4 players to kill 1? Because everyone should be able to 1v1 the predator? Oh gee, its almost like you made a game about THE FUCKING PREDATOR… honestly it makes no sense that you can parry in the first place, its… again, bad design.

  4. Cloaking and thermal should not waste energy, period. Energy meter should be tied to plasma caster only, because its a one hit ko, and should take time to charge and replenish.

  5. Extend fireteam missions. We’re supposed to hunt fireteam right? Well since launch we haven’t been able to. Most teams are ready to exfil in 3-6min which means the predator HAS to rush them. Youre forcing one playstyle across 9 (going on 11…) classes. BAD DESIGN.

  6. Buff the predators perks, and reduce points needed. Impenetrable is still ass, and now it costs more. Dithered Lense should make your laser totally invisible leaving only the three dots on a surface (again, just watch the movies if you need help). You also need to add useful perks like faster movement, not limited to trees, just universally faster movement including attacks and leaps, weapon switching and predkour. This is why there’s thus far only one way to play if you want a win. Its too easy to chase down the predator, and it shouldn’t be an option to begin with, fireteam is being hunted, right? Cmon guys… you obviously know you designed predator gameplay poorly or you wouldn’t have added Ironside, which should be renamed Cowardice because it only activates when youre running away from fireteam… shame on you illfonic lol


  8. (For real) give predators class perks, not just fireteam. Maybe scout gets increased splash damage on plasma caster but its not a one hit ko. Or faster healing. Elder can get extra gear or increased long range damage. Hunter gets improved thermal that overrides mudding and owlf, or cant be spotted but takes extra damage. Give us options for these classes…

  9. Reduce medkits and ammo crates on maps, or reduce the amount of uses they have. Fireteam has more survivability than the predator and, you guessed it; its bad design! The predator should be feared, fireteam are the ones who should have to be careful, not the famous space alien.

  10. Reduce fireteam starting ammo. Players use crates to get more syringes, not bullets. Easy fix guys, just pretend you’re designing a game focused on the Predator franchise, not call of duty. Fireteam is strong enough, and most players aren’t stupid, they dont need a lot of help but since launch, the predator indeed has but instead got mostly useless class variations and (admittedly great) cosmetics. No ones complaining about how things look, its the gameplay format that needs more work.

  11. Allow the predator to shoot down the chopper and force fireteam into overtime. Yes, I went there. No one would oppose this, and its a great way to spike the tension. Fireteams primary goal should be completing their mission. Everyone loves killing the predator, give us the chance to AFTER the mission so the predator has time to… yknow, hunt fireteam. No matter what the timer was, if the chopper goes down there’s a five minute window for fireteam to kill the predator. If they dont, they lose and predator gets the win. If anyone’s in the chopper when its shot down, they DIE. If Fireteams lucky they can revive those who died during overtime and pull off a win. THAT is how you give players a sense of accomplishment. THAT is how you make gameplay clips go viral and get more people interested. Right now the stakes are low and the rewards minimal.

I’m sure this won’t be read by anyone of importance but if it is, just know that the fanbase wants this game to be great. We don’t care about a fucking viking predator, a samurai predator, an Aztec predator, whatever random themed predator… we just want a GOOD predator game, and this shit is dying fast.


Ok. And your point to me is just a point. I don’t share and that’s it.
I was chilled. I gave my opinion, i don’t speak for anybody but me, and you came and said i’m bichin?
As long as i respect your opinion, it would be really mature that you could respect mine.

That’s just the way I talk and I didnt say it to disrespect you.

The only reason i said is cause god damn it’s annoying that ppl who are ft mains, having all the advantage in the world, still wanna complain.

And you always want pred to be way too weak.
You remind me a bit of Xan.
Honestly I feel if you played with me, or The other ppl I play with youd start to see where I’m coming from.

But ya man no disrespect was intended.
I just severely disagree.

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I dont want the Pred too weak, i want the Pred to be strong where it has to be strong. At hunting! Not at close or long range combat. That should be the very last tactic for the Predator to win, not the first.
FT doesnt have all the advantage, there are still Pro Predator players that can win almost as easy as before.
Im bored at the fact that (and im not tired of saying this,) noobs shouldn’t even stand a chance here! Never. Noobs should be decimated every single time until they learn to play. I hate to play agains Predator that the only thing they know is to jump from roof to roof with the pistol and shoulder cannon, or throwing arrows and jump over and over. That’s no hunting, that requires no strategy nor skills.
If the devs continue buffing and nerfing weapons and hp/armor this will end to be like another COD only with different characters.
The concept of Predator vs Humans is HUNTING. Period.

That’s an opinion tho.
A horrible opinion tho.

Cause too many people think pred needs to fight only 1 way.
That’s not true or fair.

Were talking about an entire planet.
They would specialize in different things.

There would be some that are melee experts.

We should try to eliminate that.


PHG Devs
@IllFonic I know your development process now.


Bless you man dealing with folks who haven’t seen or care to recognize how preds in film merk at close and long range. I wouldn’t have patience man.


Do you really want to talk about the films?? Really dude?
Predator 1 - killed by one single guy with hand made weapons.
Predator 2 - Dropped with half a dozen shotgun shots (salughter house), and killed with a melle weapon, his own smart disk. Again, by a single guy.
Predators 2010 - killed with an axe, by a single guy (again!!)
Predator 2018 - killed with his own weapon.
Sure, before the final fights, the Predators killed easily with close and ranged weapons, but they HUNTED and killed the humans 1 by 1. Not engaging a group of them.
If you wanna bring the story of the films here to this debate, you’re just proving my point.

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Lmao i try.

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Once again, its @James-Cameron to be the voice of reason

Honestly gonna need to see how well these Perk buffs are to Predator since FT was already insanely strong last Patch and now they got new toys along with some Weapon Buffs.

Predator is definitely starving for the same treatment since they haven’t gone new Gear since Day One besides from Wrist Launcher or anything about Specializations. These buffs to things that actually work in actual fights for Predator players such as Plasma Caster or a Imprentable Buff is truly appreciated though.

Ironside sounds pretty strong now that I think about it.

I think a downrange buff of 25% would help A TON.
And fix the mother fucking bow.


Every single one of those have one thing in common. When it came down to it the hunter lost because it played with its food. First film 87 had Dutch dead to rights. Beat his ass like a child. Lost because he played with his food. Second film had Harringan on his knees and instead of being smart and using tactical coupe de grace, paced around him like gloating idiot. Third film spent to much time beating Royce’s ass instead of outright killing him. They can rip your spine from your body with your head attached. Do you know how much physical force that takes? 1 million Newton’s of force. The equivalent of 10 high speed car crashes… you are trying to fucking tell me a Human being even at peak strength ( which is 800- 1000 lbs) should able run up just murder them? Now I’m gonna be respectful to agree to disagree but you do you.


People also love to skim over the fact that the main characters have plot armor, in all the movies the preds slaughter just about everyone without problem but as soon as the protag comes along the preds just lose all common sense. Also in Predators wasn’t Royce saved by Isabel before mr. black could deliver the final blow?