Patch Notes 2.11


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They saw your video with the Scouts armed with Grimtech and decided the gun wasn’t powerful enough🤣


Let’s face it the fire team is going to play the way that best suits them which will always make it so much harder for Predators good or bad to get the win and you don’t have to be skilled to be on the fire team I’ve seen teams of noobs destroy a well-rounded Predator like it is nothing

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Why are we nerfing… dithered lens? Lol


Who the fuck is Dante?


It’s beast mode you don’t know about him???

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That’s sarcasm if you couldn’t tell. Stop giving us random fucking DLC for a MOVIE FRANCHISE GAME. We want dlc from uhhh THE MOVIE


Never heard of him🤣 I’m guessing this is their “Diversity Quota” character, I’ll be calling him Token whenever I see him🤣


So I’m assuming he’s black😂


Ya know, hopefully that new character in feb, is that woman that helped out the predators in the comic books. Also it seems like PT vs FT is very one sided, here is an easy fix either add the option to have 2 predators in one match vs the fire team where the DPS is super high and melt predators on a daily 4v1 and make it 4v2 or balance it out to where the predator gets back on the same level as the FT and also fixing the minor bugs like, I could fix that code in my sleep, from the looks of it, your losing customers and people’s interest in the game because it is very one sided and the pred bugs from several months ago still have yet to be fixed either make it 4vs2 or help pred team be on equal ground to FT, cause at this point your losing franchise and potential customers and tanking in profit, and while your at it make some more maps, read the comic books and the earlier video games, you might learn a few things.

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It’s Isabella from Predators movie, and I will pay top dollar for that hotness.


I’ll pay $20 to have your likeness and voice lines in PHG meow


Also the concrete jungle hunter, the permanent wrist launcher, I will say this, I have read all of these comic books from dark horse 1980’s I was born in 90 but I have them all, and not one (even the one from the movies) has a dumb wrist launcher that shoots fireballs… you all are just grasping branches now. Take it off. Also give the people what they want, I understand it takes time, but make an RPG for this game just make things reasonable for the people, because it’s us people that keep you functioning.

Holy shit you really need sleep xD

Yo Illfonic. Stop the shadow nerfs to the pred. You nerfed the cloak. It’s visible out to 60m now. At least have the nuts to put it in the fucking patch notes.


Also that girl that helped the predator kill the queen, give her the weapons and armor and mask because in the comic books she all those things and left earth to live with them and be among them. Trust me read up on your comics the movies had to come from somewhere!?!? Trust me people and to all who read this, the more you learn and read about dark horse and the AVP universe the more of a leg we have to stand on and put up a valuable arguement

The predator in the comics and the movies was never seen 60m out while moving.

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What is sleep? What is this witchcraft you speak of?

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Just imagine all that hotness of @VENN7eance likeness and his voice lines in PHG $20 well spent


You sure you want to ride this train?

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