Patch Notes 2.11

Back on topic guys the DLC the lame buffs and nerfs…

Or while we are at it add Samuel L. Jackson and everyone of his lines is Motha Fucka. Frustrated would be Motha Fucka I am too old for this shit. lol @Fire @VENN7eance @BadBlood


All these predator players crying about fireteam getting some new gear is funny. Dont worry predators you still have infinite health piggy respawns. Seriously if you guys are still crying when you are stronger, faster, and more agile and you got infinite piggy health packs that you literally can find with the mask locator and you still get your ass handed to you, then its a issue with you sucking. As a predator you cant be a dumbass and run in hulk smash if you do you deserve to get killed in thw game

All I want is more ranged weapons for predator, some new predators from the movies, and for the bow to be fixed since currently still busted


Lmfao glad to see it took what, 1 week for the forums to take your sanity?

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I just want more ways to fight the ft.
I’d love an indirect combat style.

Not too easy to do, but if pulled off extremely deadly and rewarding.


I have no sanity left other than posting summaries of new updates and patches and opinions, for now I will watch and troll a lil. and I WANT SAMUEL L. JACKSON NOW WITH MOTHA FUCKA VOICELINES please c:


I need some god damn motherfuckimg ammo.

Say clickgurr again predator!
Say it one more god damn time!

I’m tired of these motherfucking preds in these mother fucking trees.

Lol you can come up with the rest xD

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Well it would be cool if they add in the shruikens or the whip for the predator would love that to be a thing


Fuck this motherfucking jungle man we exfilling!
Motherfucker I am too old for this shit.
get to the motherfucking chopper!
Motherfucker I am dyin over here!
Motherfucker focus on the objective



Lmao I feel we should play some time. You seem to have a good sense of humor even if we disagree on balance.

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Direct messaged you tho

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Is my favourite weapon actually viable now? Don’t tease me illfonic, it’s not fair.

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a full clip of the first shotty will sw a pred if you got bane.


Watch, they see you said it and are about to nerf it so hard it heals the predator when you shoot him

Well, I did jokingly say that FireTeam needed proximity mines a few months back…and now we have them, so maybe I’m gon a watch what I say now.

Overall, this is just another meh update. Predator got an extra Perk that’s only beneficial when you have your back turned to Fireteam?? Allow me to moonwalk, it might be useful then.


Lol, they do it to troll you all because of your old thread that got locked by courier I actually read the entire thing XD

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