Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

we he right and not right ether as well like I love the music in the that but then it have less new things coming to that game in like 4 or 5 month maybe 6 comes to that game but as well good job as not fucking up a aliens like in some others game with xenomorphs main of it but as just not really hard boss battle as well so its even out over all but I still love that game over all

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Étant un yautja cela dĂ©foule de ce faire du xenomorph dans aliens fireteam Ă©lite et oui je prĂ©fĂšre predator paceque c’est la crĂ©ature que j’aime le + dans ma vie mais les 2 jeux me plaise autant l’un que l’autre

well the said the did not want to do add predator and the did not want to focus on it

You have low standards then

Non juste j’aime soutenir les dĂ©veloppeurs qui font des jeux d’anciens film comme friday 13 Alien predator

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hi so their doing a vote thing in ark and I hope some of you guys and girls can vote for me please


You didn’t get it.
There were several issues.
They just fixed one.



Maybe it’s a fix list for next update 😂😂

Cloak still doesnt work properly, we tested it yesterday in privates.

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Cloak definitely does not work still. When you’re switching weapons it just disappears, you’re fully visible. Essentially they fixed nothing.

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Pred cloak still broken? As fireteam I can see armor when the predator is cloaked .

Infiltration point vote not working on any backwater maps. Day, nor night.

Need a 25 meter “no traps” buffer around the reinforcement spawn. Some predators are being super douchey trapping everone as they spawn in and laser spamming the whole team.

Savage specialization still OP af lol. At least remove it from the berserker class?

Sniper Rifles need to do more damage, Preds are ignoring being shot.

Any chance of getting a First Person cam option as predator?

Some of your bullet points are just wrong.

  • why shouldn’t the FT be able to be trapped on reinforcements? It’s up to the last guy to shoot them since the pred can either go after them or lay down traps. Would you argue that FT shouldn’t be able to use UAVs, frags, or any other gear against a pred in 2nd wind?

  • Savage is far from OP especially on a berserker. If they’re claiming someone in front of the team then they should be getting punished by being put into 2nd wind otherwise the team fucked up.

  • Snipers do insane damage already and can take off a preds mask in 2-3 shots putting them at a severe disadvantage for the whole match.


Hahah. Nope. If anything, sawz50 needs a 20% nerf.

Preds need more ranged engagement options. Disks could use a single unguided throw at the cost of less damage.


I think pred range weapons should be more deadly. Like one shot kills.

But I also think pred should be more invisible, take less hits to bring down, run faster.

FT should get to call reinforcement 3 or 4 times but go down much easier too.

AI needs complete rework lol

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Stop post nul

Unpopular opinion but exiled is best predator for night mode since he has less visibility without cloak, pretty fast and can get out of dangerous situations, and a armor design that isn’t just metal armor. (Ik Viking & Valkyrie are the only other ones with different armor than just traditional predator armor: Jh, Ch, & Elder have) plus exiled has the assassin specialization which is better than Scout can do (this coming from a hunter/scout main) BUT FIX HIS DREADLOCKS PLEASE