Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

Woah, okay you’re not alright in the head… Keep doing what you’re doing, we’ll just ignore you sir.

You are doing a grand job so far 👍🏻.

Maybe you guys should do that instead of bashing anyone who doesn’t agree with your opinions 🤔

We’re WFH atm 😔

Let’s all keep things civil plz


Wow that stinks!
But it’s kinda cool at the same time. You get to work in your pajamas! Ha!


Espérons un patch notes de votre équipe tomorrow j’y crois jeudi 4 novembre me semble possible bon courage à vous et faites le nécessaire avec toute votre équipe pour demain

Being honest? I’m fed up of seeing these same profiles bad mouthing anyone who doesn’t agree with them , for people who hate people hating? They never miss a chance to bash people?

“Trolls” who post everywhere , yet these guys throw posts around left and right? Do they get warnings for derailing? Or can you insult people as long as its polite? Or maybe its just double standards.

Funny what profiles follow each other around on here like fangirls


J’ai été banni 2 fois à cause que je me défendais des trolls et des gens qui m’insulte donc je vous comprend

English buddy

Fak u love it or leave it!


Come on Illfo, we have hope on you.
You have a great game.

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It’s even happening with the Jungle hunter predator, I could be cloaked and Switch a weapon or use a med kit and It’s usually the head that gets uncloaked or the whole body and if I’m bleeding it’s not exactly showing up correctly, I’m sure it’s the same for most.

Are we to assume that this will be another weekend where pred is unplayable? Patch dropped Friday, it’s almost Friday of the next week and they don’t do weekends…hope they do something soon…

I think it’s cute you had to go and look it up just to copy/paste and try and make a (bad) point.

Also, yes, I did quit the game, but not the forums. I’m bored half the day so talking about my experiences with the game, good and bad, helps.

Je vous conseil aliens fireteam élite très bon jeu

I crashed because my predator exploded after i activated bomb when fireteam was at exfil, if that helps 😃 chopper was present and a lot of Ai, night map, ps4
There was 2 pc players 1 ps and 1 bot

I been thinking about making my own predator its going to be a drawing tho


Don’t know if this has been mentioned but voting an infiltration point/ dropzone on the backwatermap seems to not be working. Get dropped in Southeasternpointregardlessof team vote

here is the image of the shuriken for the predator i’m making


That game can be even worse than this one. Less bugs, but 1000 times more boring.

Pourtant je le trouve super fun et niveau game play j’adore