Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

If you can’t spot an uncloaked pred, I highly recommend to visit an optometrist.


Just saying the red highlights slightly give some of the other preds away (stock preds)

I understand, but that’s such an insignificant advantage that it barely makes any difference

What about the OP Battle Axe??
With the correct loadouts you can literally spam that Axe left and right and down 2 or 3 FT before 2nd wind.
Or, for example, with Viking with Ironside and Fearless you can easily engage a full squad, down 1 FT, claim, jump out, heal, repeat.

Creators, I have experienced the same glitch in multiplayer and private matches in derailed not spawning the drop pod. Gone to said location 10 times or more when I’m offered the secondary objective, and it’s never there, but it says “0 meters” for the distance…very frustrating. It’s already hard to grind and get points in the game to open new colors/gear skins, weapons, bio masks, armor and accessories, but when you can’t grab the Veritanium bag from the pod drop, it’s ever harder. Please fix this!!! On a separate note, can you put an AI Predator in private matches, for those of us who play solo private matches. Also can you not make the fire team AI as fierce in the beginning of a solo private match when we’re playing as the predator. I’ve killed the fire team quickly, since they somehow know where I’m at almost immediately, so… my skill isn’t in question, I just wish I could fight them midway through, or closer to the end, which would allow me to kill some AI soldiers and gather more Veritanium. It truthfully takes the fun out of it, when you have to immediately go for the fire team, since they start hunting you from the jump. The point of the game, is they don’t know the Predator is hunting them. So as the Predator, we can have the strategic advantage, and go after their ammo, and first aid, and wear down their supplies, and toy with them a bit… b4 taking them out. It’s ok if their as fierce when they do finally realize the Predator is hunting them. I just don’t think they should know to target the Predator so soon in the game. Other than that… I love the game, and have a few ideas I’m sure true fans would love, that would also make your company some money as well.

1.) We the players, should be able to purchase in game currency/Veritanium.
2.) There should be a new Predator DLC for several Predators, skins and armor.
3.) These Predators should be the helpful Predator from The Predator movie, as well as the Upgraded Predator who is 11’ tall, from The Predator movie. Also… true fans would love the inclusion of Sister Midnight and Big Momma, with their accurate armor, as well as the wolf Predator from AVPR.
4.) There should also be a wide variety of dread colors that are blended so we can make accurate representations of Predators like Mr. black who’s dreads faded from black to red, and Mors aka the Celtic Predators armor isn’t available. Your team did very well with the Anient/ Elder Predator, City Hunter, Valkyrie, Samurai, Alpha Predator, Viking Predator, Exiled Predator, Cleopatra, 1987 Jungle Hunter as well as all of the Bio Masks and existing armor and weapons. However… not all of the armor you’ve includedin game is universal, and doesn’t work with some of our favorite Predators or even some other bio helmets. Especially under the mask. IE…Mr. Black is a berserker, but none of the Predators faces look like his. And none of the armor matches nor do any of the skin colors. I’ve gotten close, but… if someone is able to unmask me, you can tell, it’s an imposter. As is the Celtic/Mors armor.
5.) There should be also dents/ scratches/ and warrior markings, like the one from AVP that signify a Predator has become blooded, so… adding Aliens/Xenomorphs in a different map, that the true fans can hunt and earn their blooded status.
6.) I’d also love to see random “Predator Dog” drops that the fire team would get extra in game currency/ Veritanium for killing these beasts. Note…they should be about 50% easier to kill than a Predator, since they’re not as advanced mentally. Maybe the Predator could have control over them like a drone in black Ops, or just really decent AI.
7.) Lastly, why do we not have Shuriken’s, like in AVP and AVP Requim, or the Predator wip from AVPR? They would be awesome additions to the game. As would many others like Royce, Billy, Dillon, Blane, Mac, Poncho, Hawkins, Quinn Mckenna, Lt. Mike Herrigan, Hanzo, Casey, Cachillo, Peter Keys, Alexa Woods, Adele Rousseau etc…Thanks for reading!!!

Btw… The wretch mask looks great but doesn’t go with any of the armor since none of the armor has the same indentations as the bio mask. It would be awesome to see an armor that matched the bio mask. Oh…and there should be more solid color shaders for the armor as well, especially black. However, a purple, pink, fire engine red, yellow, orange, hunter green, white, grey, brown and neon green would all be welcome additions as well as. As would the paint markings from the bio masks becoming available for the armor. And my final finally… could you add in tasks/ pickups that the Predator has to do to earn more Veritanium as well. It sux that you can’t earn nearly as much Veritanium as the Predator as you can playing as the fire team. Again…. Thanks for reading, and please consider these additions I’ve mentioned here! Thank you!!!

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Illfonic Please maj predator bugs fix and patch notes fast fast fast please



You’ll have to wait till last week of december dude…

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When was this said?

It wasn’t. Some people are just quite pessimistic :) We’re working on getting it out as soon as possible.


You guys don’t give us much reason to be optimistic…

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Thank you so much for the fast response! That’s really great to hear, I wish everyone at Illfonic a wonderful day! (:


Ne dites pas de bêtises un patch notes est toujours déployés 3 semaines grand maximum après la grosse maj dlc donc pas 2 mois plus tard

Pessimistic or realistic?
Because there’s almost no communication from u guys.
All you say when we report bugs is ask for screenshots or videos. Nothing wrong with that, all i’m saying is that you could give some feedback like “we’ve found the reason for those blue screen crashes and we’re fixing it right now, but we have other bugs to fix and we’re gonna launch a single patch fixing all of the bugs”.
Something like that would be nice. At least we would have an idea of what’s going on…


Please buff Isabelle. 😂
She’s just too weak, weaker than vanilla Recon class, not ti mention weaker than Dutch '87 and Dante which costs the same.

I tried explaining several times why is she not usable, but it fell in deaf ears everytime.

At least you’re listening and can reach to Illfonic with suggestions unlike me.

She doesn’t realize that it has become a meme among the forum community, but she threatened to suspend my account for posting it like seriously lmaooooo…

So now you guys know the level of the power trip they have these mods on, and if my account gets suspended you know why.

…here is the picture by the way, just in case she asks for it.


Thanks for answers IllFonic

Hold on , who’s fault is that!? Some people are just negative? I suggest taking a look at the jobs performance from before you were on the scene , you guys are totally delusional and negative opinions are 100% justified.

Just because the new fanboys kiss ass doesn’t mean our opinions are invalid 👍🏻


Update, tuesday 30

some hint on when the SP mode will drop?