Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

Non impossible il nous faut ce patch bien plus tot

As Pred, its pratically unplayableā€¦

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Too harsh, yes a patch is needed but Iā€™m playing with not many problems and having fun.

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I agree. Iā€™m also playing with absolutely no problem. Yes thereā€™s a few bugs here and there but no big deal.

A lot of over the top drama from a few people for sureā€¦


Its the cloak the problemā€¦
Against a good FT, as Pred, you loose.

100% agree with you I donā€™t understand why everybody is down playing this acting like people are whining. As predator the game is broken every now and again every fourth or fifth match I will have a cloak that works 60-70% of the time and I can manage. The point of the matter, the greater point of the matter, is that we as consumers should not have to tolerate a game that does not work properly and then wait multiple weeks for a fix. This patch should have been play tested and released late rather than being released brokenā€¦

For the Exiledā€™s melee Weapon, where can I find her ?

Itā€™s a skin for the mace called Hook so youā€™ll find it there, but itā€™s a lot different from the mace, far better.


I donā€™t understand how the commandos manage to spot me so easily on the night maps. especially with stealth

Maybe with the right percs and a good sight on the rifle.

Yes but now, itā€™s exaggerated, wherever I go, whatever I do, they managed to spot me. Theyā€™re supposed to have more trouble at night, arenā€™t they? Well, I think itā€™s the other way around ā€¦

I agree on the ā€œnight problemā€, but I didnā€™t like the idea of night maps since the beginning so Iā€™m not really objective on this topicā€¦ (I canā€™t fu*king see ahah)

anyway, I think a good FT could spot you everywhere as at night as at daytime, maybe you should change your approach, playing it more stealth and tactical,

Iā€™m not saying that you are not good at playing, but wich maybe itā€™s just a matter of approach, to me for example this problem deos not happen, not always at least, only when the FT is really good or when i get cocky.

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Thank you for your analysis. As far as Iā€™m concerned, I like melee. But Iā€™m thinking about changing.

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Oh ME TOO, I only use melee with plasma as support if needed

you should not change if you like it, someone will tell you that melee is useless with the Predator, and long range is better, but even if long range is indeed stronger, it doesnā€™t mean that melee is weak in general, beacuse is not, not at all.

Playing tactical and steathy does not mean not using melee.

Search for melee builds of the player Samhain on YT, something should come up.

Ok thank you. But it is true that I find the commando firepower a little too powerful compared to the HP of the Pred

Love the continued attention, that camo bug kept freaking me out

Three letters mate , U.A.V . It spots you anywhere within a close proximity and if more than one member is rocking it? Yeah

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The cloak doesnā€™t even work half of the time. You think youā€™re invisible but youā€™re not.


Hi, is there any word as to how soon the cloaking bug is to being fixed?

Honestly, I can live with most technical problems, but this has been for two weeks and Iā€™m actually mind blown that a bug which is so vital to the integral gameplay and immersion has lasted this long.

I mean no disrespect to the devs. I honestly couldnā€™t do your job. But in all fairness, I just started playing this game when I got it for free from PlayStation, and I fell in love with it immediately. I hadnā€™t seen a single Predator movie before, and now Iā€™ve already seen them all. Your game is potentially awesome, and can grab onto new fans for the Predator franchise like it did for me. But this isnā€™t how it will be done.

Devs, itā€™s the Predator cloak. All other bugs can and should come secondary to this. Itā€™s the Predatorā€™s, dare I say, MOST trademark feature.

I was dumping hours into this game before the bug hit. Since the bug, Iā€™ve played two matches. First one I lost cause I didnā€™t realize the bug was still active, second match I won because Iā€™m a damn good Predator who knows how to adapt. But I stopped and wonā€™t play another match because I wonā€™t tolerate the possibility of losing to a toxic FT who thinks theyā€™re better than me when I was handicapped.

Again, I fully respect you devs. I really do. All Iā€™m asking for is an update, how close are we to getting this fixed? I have friends who Iā€™ve been trying to get on this game with me and Iā€™m having to tell them to wait because of this bug. It makes your game look bad to potential new players/customers. I will continue to defend your game as long as I can because itā€™s so much fun. But I have to say, it will be very discouraging if my friends lose interest before I can even get them to try it.


AFE is an awesome game. I play every day