Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

No, we didn’t.

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THE PATCH 006, THE PATCH. Not the roadmap.

Have we not been blatantly clear that we’re working on a patch?


…no? Show me where any rep from Illfonic has stated “we’re working on these fixes as fast as we can, please be patient”.

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Go through my post history. I’ve posted “we’re working on the patch as fast as possible” so much in the last day I think my keyboard letters are wearing away.


I meant a REAL rep from Illfonic.

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Tu devrait être content d’avoir une réponse et je pense que tu saoule les modérateurs du forum + qu’autre choses ils ton répondu c’est qu’ils travaille chez illfonic si tu n’est pas satisfait va sur un autre jeu ça ne tiendrait qu’à moi je t’aurais déjà banni cette personne à de la patience moi non alors ferme là au lieu d’être constructif et dire qu’elles sont vos bugs avec screen à la clé tu cri tu cri tu cri laisse les faires leur travail et soyez patient et amener des informations concrètes stop maintenant


Fire team can see my armor while cloaked big oof

Night mode look good so do the new masks (AvP) and some map areas in day look more polished i think.

New scout class is nice but not really a fan of it’s design.

Melee weapon looks like its actually good in combat

Im getting blue screens sometimes but smart disc flys smoothly now for me so that is a major plus. I noticed a lot of new sounds and rumor that the bots do the missions in privates?

But please. Give us a new gear item for predators. I just get bored after a while cuz there isnt new traps for pred.

Overall I think this update is better than last few.

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Totally agree.

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Give it a break man, the patch it’s ready when it’s ready.


You do an awful lot of complaining for someone who posted their own thread looking for a grandiose send off:

“ I’m sorry. I’m done. This game has taken up too much of my time and energy and it’s completely fucked after the last update. I’m out. Y’all want to go down with the sinking ship, be my guest. I don’t have fun with this anymore. Good luck with Ghostbusters (you’ll need it).”

Weren’t you leaving…?


My questions are did you guys already identified ALL the bugs and glitches reported here and are you working on ALL of them?

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Love that profile pic bro! Where’d you find it?

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Thanks! It’s a fan art of Broken Tusk (or Dechande, the yautja from the comic Aliens vs Predator 1990) made by William Bao;

yours is great too, I always liked that art!

the said the hook predator skin for the warclub would be release on December and the Norse hammer was release at the same day when airstrip came out so I think new predators and fireteam is coming out at December 2021 it could happen at this time and their is no date day so maybe

I’m sure illfonic have a spare laying around the office 👍🏻

Forum police on patrol 🚓 🚓

Better make it a blue light emergency

Nee noo nee noo nee noo nee noo , swing by general discussion afterwards, I seen a bashing illfonic comment! I was going to tag you but I knew you were busy.

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What is yours problem?

Chill and eat your own sarcasm out.

Do you deal with grammar policing aswell @Xenomorph ?