Patch Notes 2.30 (Hotfix)

Still doesn’t work, worse than before in fact. I am deleting this fucking game and writing off the money I’ve invested in it and never buying another game from Illfonic again.

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They’re working on more fixes. Just give them some time.

Shut up.

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I didn’t expect this update. Pretty cool they pushed it out and realize a few of the bugs we’re getting to people.

Yeah, there are still a few bugs but they’ll fix em all.

ill fix you mang with the hep of @Scarface_1983

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great way of not really confirming anything that they actualy DID fix so thank yuo not.

I guess you really want people to play the game so they can find out for themselves. NOT GOING TO Happen.

You ain’t gonna do shit.

I enjoy the game and don’t experience 99% of the bugs other people have. The bugs I do experience, I simply report and just wait patiently for a fix.

I don’t cry about them and stomp my feet like an angry child. I just play and enjoy myself. If you don’t like the game so much why do you still play it?


No! We need realism in this video game 🤨 you think the laws of physics only apply to you, you quantum hoarder 😠

Que dites vous de Durbs2001 et thesenate qui troll sur tout les topics ???

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Are you saying everyone here is just trolling? and that I don’t understand that this is popular?

Step outside you hore.
Let’s settle this once and for all.

Il be In front of your house in 5 minutes.
I’m bringing the gator.

Good to see things being fixed.

Could you please let the person responsible for the forum comment on the issues that were addressed in the fix? Just sayin. To keep track of what is or was solved.

Just an idea.

Where is the real exiled dreadlocks then, I don’t see them all I see is the damn elder dreadlocks


Hé grand… Tu vas te calmer un peu ?
Déjà oui j’ai vu tous les films et dans aucun d’entre eux je ne vois ta super valkyrie ! Alors maintenant l’huitre est d’accord avec toi quand tu parle de l’usage du couteau des commandos. C’est abusif, mais je suis certain que tu comprendras qu’ils ont fait ça pour le gameplay, pour donner aux commandos la possibilité de se DEFENDRE.
En tant Predator, moi aussi je pense qu’il faudrait augmenter la vie ou diminuer la puissances des armes commandos.
Neanmoins, en tant que Predator, je perds une partie sur 50 donc je me dis quand même que c’est bien comme ça.
Ca reste un jeu. Et les 2 factions doivent pouvoir gagner.
Tu vois ? Ça c’est un constat objectif

Après que tu sois content ou non avec l’argument, c’est comme ça. Toujours est-il que moi ça me semble logique.
Après moi, puriste, je ne joue que l’Ancien, Le City Hunter et le Berserker QU ON VOIT DANS LES FILMS !
Valkyrie, samourai, viking et , poubelle pour moi.

What do you mean by that?