Patch Notes 2.39

So let’s go over what you expect us to pay for.

Same exact stats as the Berserker (Already worst class in the game)
ANOTHER poorly done model which lacks a Wrist Computer; uses the default wristblades, has EVERY trophy either float in mid-air off of their model or clip through it.
An innaccurate mask which is not the same as the design this class is based upon.
No unique predlocks.
Wristblades that don’t have tracking, JUST LIKE WOLF when he launched.
The chance that you won’t be able to leap whilst put into 2nd Wind, which will happen considering this is just a Zerk reskin to the letter.

Have I got that right?


Yeah clearly illfonic doesn’t want to put time into this game since it’s player base is so low I don’t blame them but they could at least fix the insanely bad glitches

Yeah. I was thinking about gear space. You might be right though.

They should have lowered the gear points for every other gear expect this one. So at least you have to option to carry medkits and bear traps with every class.


I was actually pretty mad when I figured it out. Tank is listed as an upcoming Predator so I figured this was something as a teaser for them. Thought it was maybe some armored dreadlocks or something but NOPE, it’s Exile’s.

So instead of putting it in the Exile pack, or a separate download given people paid for Exile and what was shown, it’s now 500 levels in potentially far past the time your average player might be playing to even use them.

So good on Illfonic for finally releasing them, the same people however can eat shit for shoving them so far into the levelling process the same customer is likely to never see them.

Side note about those dreadlocks. You don’t get them for Exile despite being shown for Exile, and if they come with Tank as they’re named, then they are indeed misleading customers. So one might have to actually make two purchases in order to get those dreadlocks. Or worst case neither of them possess this.

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I was actually referring to the one you call champ with all due respect but if you’re gonna sass me then …… take your bottom lip pull it over your head and swallow …… you’re messed up as an illfonic upfate . This is your fault

Or add an extra perk slot and gear slot to pred. So 15 point and gear slot actually matter


Truly loving these new pred additions to the jungle. A concept we should have got, reintroduced back into the franchise.

Super cool!

Truly hoping we will be receiving a Weapon and Gear drop for both Preds and FT, especially since these past 2 preds have been skins only.

Presuming all bugs previously mentioned are being looked into, keep up the great work Illfonic!




This is going about how I expected



Calm down bro

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@Kassinaillia Seems you accidentally released build with “devmaps” option for all PC players. Plus all customization and settings are reset to defaults.


Ah, some good old fashioned positivity. Goes a long way 😁

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No, no I don’t think so, Tim. (of course the other Spud Elliot would like it lol)

Wow cool another paid dlc, and no new mode, map or anything substantial that will keep this game on life support for another month, you really don’t listen to the community do you illfonic.

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How you dare to assume its gender! 🤣


Oh man, uhhhhh I meant acquaintance 😂


Better :)

Some people just can’t stand to see other people having fun.

Sucks to suck 🤣

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True!!! Some people don’t want others to have fun. I usually just ignore and have fun anyway ☺️

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