Plasma spammers??

Pred hp is pretty low in Clash, welcome to hardcore mode dont get hit

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Mostly I go for Unleashed Dante or a O.W.L.F Sniper/Spotter Loadout, mainly picking off problematic FT with the 7EN.

Otherwise I go for a Tanky 2025 bulid but that’s not as fun.

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If its clash it makes more sense. I was thinking this was hunt like what no way!

Actually, it was a 2v1.

It was me, and a City Hunter who used Combi-Stick for Melee. If City threw his Combi-Stick, there was no way to know for me cause I don’t think I get blinded by Combi-Stick

Also forgot to mention this was Clash.

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The damage just feels better in Clash all around. Combistick one shots preds with a headshot if theyre in that injured animation or something close.

FT seems to be getting 1 shot outright with fervent downrange

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If clash wasn’t so call of duty like I would enjoy it more.

I throughly enjoyed clash thill they upped explosive damage then I was like nahhh

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You do but the thermal pretty much negates it

I’m sorry, for some reason this never comes off clear when I say it.

I dont think the balance should be down off any skill level, at the moment.

Right now the game itself is not balanced, and hasnt been for a while.
We cant gauge off low or mid tier players because then the results wont be accurate.
But we also cant gauge around the top 5 or even 10% because then the game would just be way too dependent off a few ppl.

The way balancing should work, is just using numbers and doing math to see if something is too much.

Ppl like to focus too much on certain player skills to balance.
But we cant do that.

Honestly the only ppl who should really have any say in balance are those who have studied the game.

I’ve only seen like maybe 20% of the player base that looks at balance without bias or too much of a personal angle.

Idk its a nice a long conversation we could all have, those who care enough to do so anyway, but, with illfonic not listening, it wont matter.

It would be nice though.
I would like to gather a lot of beta/launch players
And everyone just goes over balance,
And we remove emotion from the situation as to avoid arguments and see what compromises or best conclusions we land on.

That’s how we used to do it, at least I did, in the early days of the forum.
I’m sure we could get the game to a better state balance wise.

But again, with illfonic never listening, all that effort would be for naught.

I personally would love to get to an actual state of balance then us getting a ranked mode.

Good balance, bug fixes, a few gameplay improvements, and this game will raise in popularity and then we could afford to have a ranked mode.

Anyway, that’s just my thoughts on the game.
Since like last year late july/ august lol.

Sorry, Dante gotta go Boom.

I really laned a team kill on Overgrowth, shit was crazy.

I was actually fighting the same PC players again and again and they were trying to pick me apart because I was pretty much controlling the fight.


Good shit!

Cloaking as the Predator and blocking a FT member in a building is the only thing more satisfying

Deer aren’t armed with fully automatic rifles.

Eh? What does age or “git gud” have to do with randoms que being balanced around me having potatoes on my team? its nonsense bud, if that is how you want it, they should REMOVE solo que and only allow teams of 4 to que. Then balance around that. As it is you can’t “git gud!” for other players. Custom games are -> that way where you can balance how you wish and take turns killing each other but as long as you want to que against RANDOM PEOPLE the devs should take that fact into account. Its quite funny you want to keep playing against random people but say “screw them” at the same time. Again, form a discord group, make whatever rules you feel like, and play against full premades.

How easy it is for the FT its corelated with the predators skill as well as the FT’s skill. Sharpy annihilated us. On one side you don’t want to balance around potato FT but you have no issues claiming its to easy for FT when faced with potato predators, those double standards man… You have 99% win rates FFS,(your own admission) you can just as easy claim “its to easy for preds” going by your logic!

I bet even if you would form a team of you and your friends, Sharpy would still beat the hell out of you. Sharby beats full on 4 man premades of skilled PC players. He is not “that good” just around randoms of medium skill level. He is 'that good" period!

Now you can’t expect to farm randoms just so you do better agaisnt full premades, more so when a skilled predator CAN defeat skilled premades. You just got specializations, I do wonder when predators are going to say “we’re in a good place”… When nobody in randoms wins? Probably but at that point nobody in randoms is going to que.

At this point the game is sadly designed to where if your not an experience predator player in this game… good luck… Like almost no hope, even against an inexperienced FT.

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i am like robin hood with that bow and it kills quick tbh could do with nerfing and the plasma needs a pause between small shots so you cant spam it

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yea lets just lower the fire rate on pred and make the fights even more broken. Bro thats even boring for FT like damn u jus wana swat the predator like a fly and keep going care free huh? No worries when being dropped off in the jungle what so ever. Your weak for that

That has been the smartest thing I have ever read!

You’re way too obsessed with sharpy.
So because he can do it, you think balance is fine?

Yes theres the possibility of good preds winning.
But its slim.

You keep trying to fight it because you dont play
With a group.
That’s too bad.

So over all balance should stay shitty cause you wanna cater to ppl who dont really try?

Ya… no.

If you cant see things are unbalanced you’re just blind.

Ppl refuse to see that cause…

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Not really.
If that’s the case then all assualt rifles need a fire rate nerf.

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