Please Stop The Paid Updates! Make a season pass if you have to

You mean, you’ll believe it when you see it? :P

Well they haven’t done it yet… so you can’t really get mad about them for something they haven’t done yet. >_>

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Season passes have been dead for years in the gaming industry because players didn’t like the fact content, maps and game modes were locked behind a pay-wall.

Monthly memberships are also taboo.

Micro transactions have become the winner for constant revenue that’s optional to gamers that have the disposable income to spend, whilst allowing players to opt-out and not buy content if they so choose. All without dividing the game’s community because of paid maps etc.

I personally think @IllFonic is doing it smart, by providing on-going updates with free content + paid content. You can’t say it’s pay to win because weapons from paid DLCs are dropped for free the following month.


They’ve tweeted maps + modes will be free content as well as in forums.



love how they put 1 percent into the ai.

no season pass, all the online games have this now…im pissed about it…i pay to get what? some skins and some ingame currency faster? and some unique things…fk them…the game tbh dosent have the necesary to get a pass…trust me.
when the game will be classified as a 90% on metacritic in the future and they will change or add more mechanics…probably after that is good to add a season pass.
and second…a season pass is related to an event…there is no event unless they will add @Papa_Applepie ideea Welp the HUNT Expansion DLC this late July. Concept.


Not the news of microtransactions killed it. It was the paid gambling mechanic of the looboxes wich were full of perks with different rarities and were therefore labeled as Pay to Win. The whole “progression” system was based around lootboxes. The lootboxes in PHG and the paid DLC we have is completely different to that. Mostly cosmetic or early access. I’m okay with that.

The updates ARE free. The DLC is paid and even half of that is early access. You get part of every DLC for free later. But the updates are always free.

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The last thing I would like to see is a season pass, it forces you to play almost every day and in the end everyone has the same as you, if you don’t want to pay € 5 don’t pay, more exclusivity for the rest of the players. if we are willing to pay, or that € 5 was crazy … Also every month they add free weapons and accessories so you don’t cry and still …

They are Macro transactions tho. You are not spending money on filed lockers to try to get ahead of the curve. Its just playing for a new playable character tho

I feel like I’m alone for preferring the sub model as oppose d to the micro transaction model

What is the difference? Your still paying for content just at different times.

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Unless there’s a discussion somewhere that I have not been a part of or even heard about, core game experiences (Maps/Modes) are planned to be part of the free content packs. Weapons may be timed early accesses with associated DLC characters (ie Hammerhead with Dutch, Wrist Launchers with City Hunter), but have either been released in free updates or coming soon (Wrist Launchers are planned to be available to all in September). Key cosmetics/classes can be DLC/Preorder locked, but these aren’t designed to affect meta.

Of course, I can’t be clairvoyant to any potential future changes, but from all that I can recall passing by me, the above is what the plan is.


Why have a season pass when they can get money per month for each skin?

I like the way it is and since there relatively inexpensive even if predators dont interest me as much I can still grab them for the price of a happy meal, and so far playing your game has definitely been better then anything I’ve ever had at McDonald’s just waiting for some maps

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I would pay for an AVP season pass

I would pay for a Judge Dredd season pass

I would pay for a Batman season pass

I prefer the individual method just because season passes can screw you over with lackluster content.


i wouldnt pay for shit when the game is literally alpha phase

I probably shouldn’t but this is practically the only game I play besides pokemon lol.

This is a great thread with people sharing different perspectives positively, good ideas everyone.

Part of what I didn’t fully express originality is this… here is a HYPOTHETICAL example to illustrate…

… let’s say they roll out 13 new characters over the next year, and they make 3 of them free and 10 of them paid at $5 a piece, if I wanted all of the characters I’d have to pay an extra $50 on top of the original game price of $40, that’s $90 for a game total.

I’m not a fan of paying for any additional content of any kind, and I don’t like season passes… BUT I’d rather pay $20 bucks into a season pass once in advance than $50 extra bucks over time. It’s the lesser of two evils.

People aren’t factoring in that they’re going to keep charging for tons of characters because there’s only been a few so far… right now it direc doesn’t seem like much, but it will add up in the future

So I guess it depends on whether or not you think $90 is fair for a full game experience with all characters. In my opinion it’s not, perhaps others think it is because it’s optional. I want a full game experience for nothing more than $60 total. Maybe I’m old fashioned lol.

And how it’s hurting Illfonic financially isn’t that a few options exist to buy stuff if you choose, it’s the general buzz that it creates overall in context with everything else combined. Good base game but very buggy + 1 mode only + 3 maps only + AND you have to pay for extra characters… all of that combined doesn’t excite the masses to buy the game. (And I know maps and new modes are on the way and that they’re free, which is good, we’re just talking about what you do have to pay for).

There’s nothing wrong with Illfonic making a few bucks along the way to help fund more development to give a few people extra characters they’d be willing to pay for. I’m just saying there’s a better overall way to make more money instead of the chump change there making now…

For example… could you imagine if Red Dead 2 came out with a Zombie DLC? People would flip!!! Why? Because the core game experience (referring just to single player story mode) over delivered by far and created raving fans en masse. (Not trying to analyze the specifics of Red Dead… you could use any example of successful DLC like the Witcher or any other good example).

Illfonic should over deliver, then drop a paid DLC like the big successful games do, so they can haves the same success.

Right now it’s not over delivering for the reasons we already know, and it’s my belief that paying for extra characters creates does not create the “over delivered” type of experience that other mega hits do deliver… in fact to me it takes away from the experience and is annoying.

Doing it the way they’re doing it will only create meek to moderate revenue long term.

I’m too lazy after writing this to look up the numbers, but the proof is in the pudding, look at sales numbers and stats on popularity of the game, numbers don’t lie. It’s not blowing up on YouTube gaming channels, and the channels that do rock it (which I watch and enjoy) hardly have many views compared to other games. It’s not a huge giant block buster success.

I want this to be a giant blockbuster success. I love this game and the potential. Right now they’re on track for a “modestly successful app” level of success. I hope that changes.