Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)

Alpha Predator: Advertised as EARLY ACCESS - (Will be available to all at some point)

Jungle Hunter: Advertised as EXCLUSIVE PRE ORDER CONTENT - (Exclusive to those who pre-order)

There. I’ve made it as simple as possible for the hard of thinking, but this isn’t the first thread on this subject, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.


Hell yeee boiii

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Well in most cases when i was againts 87 pred it was trash player lol but they maybe just roleplay😁

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All it says is exclusive. It’s worded vaguely
Just like alpha was “exclusive”. Same thing. It doesn’t say you own the rights to him or anything else of that nature.

Lmfao yes it clearly was. Some of y’all need to get real lol

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I pre-ordered and still don’t have the skin


Please tell me how it would be false advertising?? Lol
They kept up their end of the bargain by giving y’all your pre order bonus. It doesn’t say anything about indefinite rights or indefinite exclusivity to him. They wouldn’t be false advertising by releasing him later or even as paid dlc because you already received him as advertised. Now if it said “exclusive to pre order only” that would be a different story but it doesn’t. All it says is “exclusive” just as Alpha predator does.

Alpha Predator was first an exclusive then became early access. There is only one definition for the word exclusive. No matter how hard some people try to bend the meaning. If it was early access, it would be advertised as such. Absolutely nowhere on the box for alpha predator does it have the word early access, not even the fine print.

Illfonic did however make an announcement that alpha will be free to all 5 days later making all mention of exclusivity null and void.

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Yea I heard quite a few people that pre ordered didn’t receive the skin as advertised. Even more reason to release it to everyone lol

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The code was exclusive, not the class. This has been covered hundreds of times before.

When will people stop whining like little babies about these skins.

How is it possible for the code to be exclusive but not the class when the code is required to get the class?

Other than illfonic stepping in and making it so of course. Or NECA realising that international customers can’t get the figure so they made it free for everyone. And obtaining it through the secondary market.

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I like turtles

I voted no! Not because i don’t want everyone to have it. Simply because He was advertised as an incentive for people to pre-order the standard and deluxe edition. Which cost between 30-60 (can’t remember actual prices now). However!

If illfonic where to release him for everyone, then the pre-order arrangement technically becomes void and I think people would be entitled to some money back.

Again this isn’t a post against people who want him released, I’m just coming at it from the advertised point of view.


When will you stop acting like a spoiled entitled brat over a skin lol?

Nobody would be entitled to anything especially money since you didn’t pay for the skin. It was a bonus lol

Lol you sound entitled and toxic also over a skin :b

Lmao you sound butthurt. If you can’t handle the truth then don’t comment. The only toxic one are those of you willing to sue illfonic over a skin. An inanimate object… really? And you call me toxic lol?

How is it a bonus? Its states in both pre-order versions, its exclusive! As in its content that adds to the overall price of the game. Also the way the deluxe edition costs more, because it comes with more content.

If you want to talk about bonuses, the 48hr double xp was a bonus!

That’s all y’all got for a better version of the game lol. The pre order bonus was for both versions of the game at the same normal price. You act as if you paid extra… cmon lol
Alpha is advertised as exclusive too and look what they did with him. I guess illfonics definition of exclusive differs from your.

You know whats better poll… SHOULD ALL UPCOMING PREDATORS BE FREE… after a week or so when paid dlcs is out…

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