Pred mains speak up PLEASE

I’ve been playing this game since launch . Every since the damn game has came out it’s always about the fire team first big update gives them a gun that shreds the pred in 7 seconds and then gives them Dutch. I bet you they get something crazy this month.

The devs clearly favor the fire team they keep getting spoon fed. Like I want to be fed to like I mean this game has become so toxic to play because of the fire team.
Spotting yet agin needs a more powerful nerf
Dutches gun needs a nerf
Healing while partying the pred that needs to be fixed, because me as the predator has to completely stop to heal, unfair af
Allowing the whole fire team to be Dutch that needs to be fixed
Healing while running in general needs to be fixed
I just ask that we be herd by ifflonic because they aren’t listening to us. Hell me making this topic and typing all this out was most likely a wast of my time but what the hell


The biggest problems are mostly the bugs with getting stuck or loadout not loading in correctly and losing out a weapon slot. The most id like to see in balance are the objective spawns and more variety in them to try helping with match times being more fulfilling. If you think the fireteam is getting a lot more attention then look at this way:

Would you rather have the pred wait times become worst if they don’t make the humans interesting to play?


This is an FT BASED game dude. I gave up already asking illfonic.
if we complain too much we may end up facing 4 robocop characters.
Dutch is sweet compared to this.

Predator is so OP and fireteam has been nothing but nerfed. Get out of here with that bullish!t whining that the Predator is the underdog. Get better playing. I shred the fireteam as Predator, it’s more challenging for the fireteam. The nerfing of the fireteam has been trash to pacify trashy Predator players.


I win the majority of my matches, on both sides.
The reason ft is op is cause the damage 1 single gun can do, when multiplied by 4 is beyond fkn broken.

Yes there are a lot scrub preds. But even those are good think ft damage is fkn ridiculous.


Most of those are vast over reactions.
The hammerhead killing a pred in 7 seconds? How about the LMG in 5. And on the flip side, the sword can kill a support in 3. And you already know the Pred’s are getting something crazy this month, and then you’ll complain that the queue is higher.

Toxicity comes from all sides.
Spotting needs a slight nerf, not these ideas that keep popping up from the Pred Mains to make spotting absolutely useless.
Dutch’s gun is fine. The most you’d get out of a nerf is to make it almost as good as any other assault rifle, to compensate for the GL, but its still going to be powerful, like every weapon in the game.
You have like ten times their health. Your melee out dps’ their syringe, and if you’re getting parried, that’s the parry’s fault, not the syringe. You can just shoot them and they’re done.
Why? I mean, its stupid, but Dutch is a assault class, tweaked a bit. He’s not better than the other classes.
SHoot them and they can’t use their heal.
They are reading the forums, but whiny bitches get ignored. I mean, Target Isolation is still in the game, so Buddha’s predictions once more fell flat.


And ft is a fkn joke with how easy it is.


I actually want Robocop’s gun, damn now I’m gonna look like an asshat when I ask for it.

Your wrong

I would onistly be happy if the spotting was nerfed agin witch it needs. If that happens I’ll quit bitching

You wrong. You whiny babies that can’t play is what’s wrong with the game now! Predator can slam jump unlimited times; his plasma gun is unlimited, it takes a long time to break out of nets. Stop whining. You all that complain to get FT nerfed sound like a bunch of babies.

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I’m not a trashy pred homie… Play from both sides and compare I can tell your a fire team main lol

Dude just go back to playing cod lol

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You suck and need FT nerfed so you can win. Get over yourself and get good.


The ft needs a nerf on slight things like spotting and maybe heal running. A whole dutch ft is going to happen and you will have to deal with that in your own way. The big thing is that the ft is fine and the Predator is fine. If you are losing maybe change your play style. So yes ft needs a nerf and but not one you want. Yes the Predator needs a buff but not one that is going to change the game.

The classic get good lol not arguing with you dog

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It does seem like a very 1 sided but the predator weapons have been updated which is good as i main predator yes these bugs do need addressing and hopefully big hope there it will be in the next patch because i get the frustration because you love the game and want it to succeed so i hope everyone gets what they want in the next patch predator movement/loadout fixes and in the next dlc hopefully something for the predator which will be alpha predator.

FT needs no more nerfing. Predator has so many one shot, one kill methods already. But I think his cloak needs some minor tweaking

i’ve been asked a simlare thing as this thread in this thread so i’ll leave that qoute here and i’ll reply if someone decides to tackle me on this issue


I’m sorry but FT is 80% of the game lobby. They will always cater to FT. Especially since the Predator is a new experience and FT is the same copy paste shooter we’ve been playing for a decade. For that reason, predator has a skill gap where FT does not (since we’ve been playing shooters since our thumbs were opposable). They definitely don’t “cater” to FT but they do have to incentivize FT