Predator 5 is fucked already and I'm heartbroken.

Is that the guy that has become part of the PHG Lore? 😂😂😂😂😂


It is done. Have quite the collection now!

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Evidently so, either way I’m just gonna block and ignore his dumb ass.

That’s both amazing and sad at the same time, I wonder how many more accounts he can go through before he gets bored and stops.

Yea he just replied to my thread about Ahab with the exact same thing and pic he put on this one so i jus dick slapped him in our native toung 😂

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The Predators Response:


It’s madness!

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Imagine how I feel, he took my meme and bastardized it more so than just using it. This isn’t just madness this is disappointingly evil.

I imagine something like Victor Frankenstein and I feel for you my friend. You couldn’t have known…none of us could have known

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Yo la verdad es que como sea otra pelicula feminista no se lo que hago, no tiene buena pinta pero, podria estar bien, mujer yautja, niña nativa, si lo hacen como en horizon zero dawn creo que lo bordan, aunque no haya hecho historico de una apache guerrera, no hay que sacar conclusiones no hay nada seguro y lo que hay se puede modificar


Claro que si carnal

Oh would you look at the time



Sounds like Ridley’s logic.
Remember that dude? Ppl going to an alien planet, taking off their helmets, breathing alien virus just for fun, that guy, Ridley?

Well, reading this I wouldn’t be suprised if he wrote that teenaged girl clusterfuck.

@REYNOSO_FUA11 @GreyBack @Courier
Can we get a round of applause for our mods? Putting in some OT lately


Just for clarification if they push the whole “breaking of gender norms” angle, they are not only rewriting history but also disrespecting the l9ng proud history of female comanche warriors. Women had the choice to pursue whatever role they wanted within the tribes. It just so happens they mostly stuck to what is considered feminine pursuits but were NEVER prevented nor dissuaded from becoming warriors. If this movie tries to say that these women were oppressed by men just to appease modern day bluecheckmark audiences I’m going to be quite pissed.


What if it doesn’t follow the typical formula? What if the pred doesn’t die?


That would be preferable as it solidifies them as deadly adversaries and makes their eventual death more impactful

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This sucks 😕

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It was good while it lasted… sorta