Predator DPS is too low

After this patch it really really really feels like predator dps is just too low. Just had a Dutch exfil on me(by using his team as bait across the map and then him starting the exfil which was pretty funny lol). I was able to get there before the chopper came in, netted him on his was to the ropes, combi throw point blank, then three swiped him, and he still got out. And i was berserker btw so I’m supposed to get the “passive melee buff” which is a whopping 1 extra damage per swing. And while this is a feels bad man moment in an otherwise fun match, it really highlights how bonkers difficult it is to down someone these days. Someone with scout stamina and speed, and also having the HP pool to tank a net(which does tic damage I believe) a point blank combi throw, then three slashes from wrist blades, and still be fine. Well damn. I’ve said it before I’m ok with the damage out out of ft for the most part. I like it separates bad predators from good ones. But now we can use all our utility at once and STILL not down someone. Silly in my opinion.


I’m gonna channel my inner Xan and say you should of used bear traps and all your other tools.


But I doubt theyl raise pred does at all man.
Earlier they found out impenetrable isnt working.
Which I kinda wanna wanna test myself.

I wonder if other perks/ passives arent working atm as well? Specifically zerk melee passive.


Well first off, believe it or not I was out of bear traps because I actually use my utility lol. Got me 3 downs and a kill so I’m happy with what they did for me. But my point is less salt about him getting away(which at first I was salt then I remembered oh yeah hunting grounds will hunting grounds) and more about holy balls net gun combi throw into three slash doesn’t down you??? I mean in the amount of time alone to net, switch weapons, toss, then slash three times. What is that? 3, 4 seconds? That’s how long it takes for a single ft member to wind you. Much less what all 4 can do. There dps absolutely rofflestomps the Predators right now. I’m not asking for insta kills like old caster or anything. But like. Damn. This is outrageous.


I’m pretty sure you know I was just messing with you.

But ya, I pretty much agree with you.


Yeah I know dude 😂 just have to point it out for any other readers


In my experience once the FT touches the chopper rope, it becomes invulnerable

That’s not the case. But I see why you’d assume that

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They nerf all the range weapons. Spear throw now is 106 with down range, without is 95. So you need 3 wrist blade attacks against most of the classes. Bow is weak because you need 4 shots WITH DOWN RANGE and it’s too slow to charge and the arrow speed is hilarious compared to all hitscan weapons of ft. Not to mention all the bow bugs…


I am just a beginner, but one thing I understood from the very first match: if ALL 4 FT members REALLY stick together and help/revive each other, it is quite hard to impossible for the predator to take the FT out completely.

The funny thing is, that this happens very seldomly, because usually you have at least one team mate, who does not care and just plays his own game. So in my matches the statistics still are quite even.

Nevertheless I too skipped playing the predator after some days - there were too much things connected with the predator which unnerved me. E.g. I still have problems to just find the FT. For beginners, playing the predator is more discouraging - from my POV.

To sum it up from my POV: it might be more important to find team mates and predators, whose skill roughly matches the own skill than to change the balance - just to allow beginners to learn at all. That is why in other sports there are leagues - to bundle players with roughly the same skill together.

At the moment I just experience two situations: either the predator does not stand a chance (good fireteam) or the fireteam does not stand a chance (fireteam is a bunch of ego-s). Games were both sides really are even, are veeeery seldom - I had that once or twice yet - these are the games which are most fun!

So one has to differ between statistics (which still seems quite even) and single game balance (which is top or flop) - from my POV.


I have a video of me hitting a guy with combistick ten fucking times at exfil. Still escaped. Predator has been nerfed into the ground. I for one don’t really have fun playing him anymore. His weapons are just garbage across the board. FT has the upper hand in literally every way. Every mechanic in this game is geared towards fucking the predator over. Brilliant.

Edit: this is the post with that video. FT has no reason to fear the predator.


My God this!! The fire team is fearless!

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just because you can;t one shot someone with a ranged weapon does not make it bad.

Yeah but currently you can throw your spear, go pick it up, and throw it again, and not down someone lol


its treu ft is yoo much op i outknive many predators just by go to knife parry if he is stunned knife him again and again so go on till he get in second wind everytime …im also new but i know 1 thing on 20matches 15 predators get destroyed if the ft stick togheter and even as predator come on 10min waiting to get wacked sometimes in less than few seconds because they can kill you so quickly…and long range weapons if you aim your bow and you move 1 sec everybody spots you and shoot your health off in 3 sec sometimes no fun to play at all as predator …i have good matches too as predator but 4 dutches all elite forget it to come near them

I’d love to see the devs stream some predator gameplay fighting their lv10 co-workers but we all know they dont actually play their own game.

At this point im not sure what pred is supposed to do other than set off every alarm and hope the AI kills a half decent FT thats sticking together for him. I feel like they’re making the brash assumption that pred can risk being made unfun asf & the population will still stay up. Same mentality that killed Evolve after they nerfed monsters into the ground.


Hes right all the way. Put the best preds on ft… that predator is fucked. Theres nothing he can do that ft cant do better.

Ads strafeing
Jump shooting
Going under objects
2 heals
New bane
Snipes across the map

Predator major weakness.
Ads movement speed
Strafe side to side
Subpar melee dmg
Projectile weapons
And the fact illfonic didnt tell you your pred has autism


Didn’t you see the new movie? That’s the next step in evolution.

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IDK I was born with Autism and I have days where i wish i was not born with it. that movie was by far one of the worst Predator movies.

I don’t like to use the combistick anymore just for the off chance that if you mess up your throw can make it go off the map like wtf lol

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Just make every bullet weapon projectile based instead. Impenetrable is not worth using for a laughable 10% damage reduction. I mean yeah it cancels out bane (bane is 10-15%) but it’s not worth taking it for the 5 point cost. Basically fearless, down range and impenetrable are the wort perks to take right now. Virtually everything is better.

You can actually increase your DPS with quick hands. Since that allows to switch gear REALLY fast. Almost to the point where you can DMC style weapon switch on the fly.