Predator specialisations Ideas

I got you. Like it reacts to automated “call outs.” I still feel like it would be a bit too strong. Also, I feel like tracking, labeling, and highlighting should always be tied to heat signatures.

Sounds should make bubbles, but never leave a lasting trackable effect.

That makes sense. But that might also be a bit too strong. Especially on a melee alpha predator.

YOu’d think that since the bear claw has some kind of force feild, mr Yautja might actually have armour that does the same? At least for a few shots!


True but again these are just ideas with hardly any way to actually make them balanced in game

Crap just seeing this now after all the work I put into the other thread lol

In my honest opinion and ideas:

Fearless should be made a Specialization.

Long Range should be made a Specialization.

Trapper should be made a Specialization and work for Net-Gun and Bear Traps.

Worthy Prey: Upon a Target Isolation, pinpont the FT Player with the highest Pred Damage with a automatic “Kill” Mark.

Honorable: Increased Health and Melee Damage, but decreased Energy and Mask Health.

Swift Demon: Increased Movement Speed.

Hish Rage: Gain a Damage Increase relative to total Heath Lost. Decreases Second Wind Duration.

Archer: Increased Draw and Charge Speeds with the Yautja Bow.

Bare Essentials: Increased Health, Mask Health, Energy, Energy Rate, Second Wind Duration, Second Wind Cooldown.
Remove Weapon Slots.


This is good

Linking Predator Specializations because they also have good ideas

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Yeah. We need to even the playing field. Assault gets a triple stack of bullet buffs its insane

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An assault running with Bane and deadly, and another player running leader landing shots, that assault is up to 40% damage buff (assuming the 10% standard illfonic has been running still needs testing)
40% buff…

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We need damage reduction , speed and damage boost as well:

-more damage and speed when less than 60% hp

-more damage output after reciving damage

-10% additional damage reduction while running

-20% additional damage reduction while in the air after a leap

-15/20% more arrow speed for the Bow

-50% longer duration of any blind effect (combi throw, second wind and slam)

-15% damage from an Height Advantage (like for fireteam)

-10% additional damage with your Primary Weapon

@OldKingHamlet @Courier


Don’t forget the extra damage for bullet based weapons. So would that be the extra 10%

These are just buffs. This thread is about what if specializations. These are good as just buffs and in game mechanics tho. The Predator needs something that First will make every Predator different in there own special way but also give the Predators a fighting chance against the stacks


These are the relative buffs that fireteam got, so I think Predator should get the same to be fair.

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I included that
Assault is- 10% Base damage buff, 10% Yautjas Bane buff, 10% Deadly buff, 10% Leader buff = 40%

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Also there is no need to tag the mods in every post. We can have a discussion then make a formal poll and then tag them with a Complete a Final pole of what the community wants.

God dam. Idk what leader is because haveing two assaults with deadly and a support with field medic and a ducth 87 with Amphibious seems to be a broken meta atm will have to try this leader part

He’s got a point though…
Zerker/Viking with the increase damage at 60% health.
Scout/Hunter - increased damage resist when in trees. These mirror fireteams Specializations…They’re not bad


Yeah I see his point but most of them can either be buffs to the current Predator and then in game mechanics for the lower health. But I see where he is going tho

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It’s been enstablished that the community want the Predator not dying in less than 3 minutes. The bonus mentioned in the thread wont help the Predator at all. I am super sure about that. But it’s still a good incentive for putting many ideas in the comments.