Prey 2022 and the female lead hate train

A super bear. Lol.
But ya this would be cool if they do it an interesting way.

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I’m super nervous about how this is going to turn out to be honest. Hulu originals don’t have the best track record and Dan Trachtenberg does not have a good record as a director in my personal opinion. I’m hoping it proves me wrong through.


It’d be hard to pull off without it failing horribly but if done right it would 1) be a really cool scene and 2) would also contribute towards giving some character to the pred

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You could replace the female lead on the trailer with a dude and I would still say it looked like shit.

But yeah having the Predator opponent on this movie be a frail looking girl with a bow just looks laughable. I don’t give a shit about a girl from some random tribe breaking gender stereotypes, that’s not why I watch Predator movies.

Same reason why I don’t watch Predator movies to see Shane Black just push a narrative of how cool being autistic is to the point Predators seeing that as an evolutionary advancement.


Same reason why I don’t watch Predator movies to see Shane Black just push a narrative of how cool being autistic is to the point Predators seeing that as an evolutionary advancement.

only thing you said that i agree with but, as someone with autism im all for it being normalized and all that but this shit aint a superpower lmao no idea why they did that or thought it was a good idea. Wonder if it was just a joke that didnt land or something. That’d make more sense since the 2018 pred was a shitty comedy.

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The movie might be good, it might be bad. We dunno yet.

But if you can accept a fucking log falling on a Pred’s head like a looney tunes skit and killing them (See Jungle Hunter) or a 40 something, slightly overweight cop beating another in hand to hand combat (See City Hunter) you can accept a Native fighting them with home field advantage & a bow & arrow because that weapon & tactics is how Dutch had to fight for the entire finale of the 1st movie.



But if you can accept a fucking log falling on a Pred’s head like a looney tunes skit and killing them

also this shit made me laugh a little to hard lol

It’s not even the funniest part of that movie. Jungle Hunter gets caught in a Net Trap earlier on and SCREAMS LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. Its the funniest shit.


Well I know this for a fact, I’ll only enjoy the action and pred design

Motherfucker fell for Boyscout Bullshit and screamed like a pansy.


Danny Glover was nowhere near overweight

He took his damn shirt off in the movie 🤣


Yup thas wut im excited for

Honestly I think stuff like that is why 2018 pred failed so badly (at least one of the biggest reasons obviously that movie failed for an inifinte amount of reasons). In the original and the 2nd one there was 100% some comic relief, weather it was the p*ssy jokes in the 1st, to the log, to the scream (which was probably just accidentally funny but still) but for some reason shane seemed to think that pred was just comedy. In any tense movie it can help to have some comic relief yea and since I keep bringing up alien in this thread, theres the same things in alien 1/2 BUT you cant just have 100% comedy all the time. Like shane took the comedy elemets and just threw out everything else.


I agree. 10 cloverfield lane was a big tease. It used the cloverfield name like it was gonna be tied to cloverfield then was jus about a girl trying to get out of a bunker then the “payoff” was suppose to be the climax im guessing which lasted a few mins before ending. I mean the movie is ok but nothin to brag about

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One of my favourite parts of the original movie is how it ends with a Credits sequence where everybody just starts smiling & posing like they’re in a Sitcom. Its out of left field but its charming.


Yea the end credits are amazing

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Cheese is a quintessential ingredient to timeless classics. Its why I ain’t sold on a movie by it going “Oh we’re R Rated, we’re gonna be bloody & gory.” Like aight, but I’d still like some cheese in my Pred, some good old narm charm. Being a comedy isn’t the point, but being a dark, violent gorefest ain’t it either.


I mean you gotta think, even with traditions and rules, humans are a chaotic bunch, co.stantly being reshaped due to events and whatnot. There was bound to be women who didn’t adhere to their traditions so…yeah.

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Agreed. I personally liked Cloverfield Lane but he is otherwise unknown to me.

I don’t see this revitalizing the series but can’t go much worse than 2018 if this is “back to basics”.