Prey 2022 and the female lead hate train

Bar’s already set at rock bottom so I don’t see this movie drilling past that.

I wonder what he was about to do tho? Also for illfonic, did you guys notice how good the cloak was and how silent the pred was?

In reality, I’m not sure it was possible not to noise on dried up leaves and branches.

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Added to the fear though

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He was gonna stab Dutch in the back. The tension of the scene is that Jungle is actually standing behind Dutch the entire time and was mere seconds away from impaling him on his Wristblades, but he took one step too forward and got caught in the trap and up he went, screaming all the way.


I guess the rest of the team would not dare to fire upon pred as they would likely hit Dutch in the process. Damn friendly fire.

That would have been a great scene. I’d settle for that and pencil-pushing Dillon could have been a hero.

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It’s not. Because. Its a female. Lead.

It’s because. It’s a frickin. Teenager.

Every. Single. Predator. Film. Has lowered. The bar. For the humans.

The skill level. Of both the Predators AND the Humans. Has been lowered so far. That now. A pubescent. Is going to defeat. An alien killing machine. With superior technology.

Worse. The lead. Isn’t going to be. An actual skilled warrior…soldier…cop…etc. She simply WANTS to be. A warrior. But she isn’t yet.

Also… the Comanche. Didn’t have. Female warriors. It’s historically insulting.

That’s why. This film. Is going. To suck. Huge balls.

We all love Ellen Ripley, Leia Organa, Arwen and Lara Croft. We have no issues with women leading a cool thing, provided the casting and character herself serves the actual story, not some dipshit studio execs whims.

P.s. I purposefully broke up the main part with an obscene amount of periods to insinuate that the text should be read slowly, to let the infallible logic sink in.


She’s in her prime. After that it’s childbirth and all downhill from there. I wonder what life expectancy was for them folks?

Worse. The lead. Isn’t going to be. An actual skilled warrior…soldier…cop…etc. She simply WANTS to be. A warrior. But she isn’t yet.

Wasn’t it mentioned that she was quite skilled somewhere?

The ripe old age of 37. And I don’t give a shit if she’s ripped as Nat Portman in this next Thor, against a 9 ft alien killer, its bullpucky. It’s a child. Plain and simple. A child with zero advantages at all. It’s insulting.

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No. She WANTS to be a warrior. Her brother is the warrior, but he’ll die.

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For sure, even Arnold couldn’t match up physically.

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Technology didn’t mean shit in the long run of the first two films. Dutch literally only won by resorting to Native style tactics & vietnam era death traps. Harrigan won by playing dirty & smart in CQC. There is literally nothing to state this lead is going to throw hands physically, the entire movie might be her doing the same kind of death traps & ambushes Dutch was forced to do for the finale but she literally grew up in the culture that created them.

And the most beloved character in Predator history, Machiko Noguichi KICKED THE SHIT OUT OF A PRED WITH HER BARE FUCKING HANDS 30 YEARS AGO. So the precedent has long been set that some Preds can get their shit rocked up close regardless.

To be fair, Machiko trained since childhood iirc.

And even then it was Shorty.

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Do you have the source on that ? Also I taking your comment and posting it somewhere else.

But it did help on his survival. I don’t think if Dutch wasn’t build like that he would have survived the punches the Predator hitted him with. Most men and women would die from that beating, like the main character on this movie.


In a time of much greater living standards. I may have my doubts about this movie but anyone doubting the resourcefulness of a native/someone living in the wild in general has never even went near a campsite let alone hunted for food & survival. And I still don’t think they’re gonna throw hands normally, the entire movie will probably be a game of cat & mouse with death traps & ambushes on both sides: which would just make all of this panic look stupid.

I guess there a potential for her to be fast and elusive when it comes to hand to hand

Men are faster than women and Predators are faster than men. Take that as you will.


You say ‘pledged’, i say ‘donated’, if you follow the reference.

Jokes aside…

…Naru, a fierce and highly skilled warrior…


On average, but there are outliers.

I’d expect there to be a showing of her skill before peed encounter. Perhaps she rivals or exceeds some of men. Not the direction i want to go in, but it’s likely that pred may misjudge her because she is a woman.

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The last good protagonist this franchise had was a Mountain Climber with no combat training who in less than 12 hours went from a pacifist to someone blowing the heads off of Xenomorph Drones & fighting side by side with a Yautja to kill a Queen and becoming Blooded herself along the way.

You can accept mentally that someone who lives in a warrior culture & who has to hunt & kill for survival every day can fight just as well if not better…

I mean if you are gonna compare a professional female runner with a sedentary fat dude yeah. But if you are gonna compare both men and women that perform at the same level on some sort of physical activity, men will always outperform them.