Prey 2022 and the female lead hate train

I’ll bring my best when you bring yours.

He tried to detonate while hanging of edge of the building and got lucky to fall through a window.

What the fuck, your YT is full of AvP/Predator, we are in the same boat!

Machiko and Rey are not the same character. You’d know this if you bothered to read past OG AvP.

It has always been funny that City is hanging from a drop he could probably leap without trouble and decides then he should jihad himself.


Yea in the official synopsis

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I have all the comics saved on my PC. I have most of the novels on physical copies. I know all the expanded universe. I know what entries are good and the ones that are shit. Its no different how some movies were better than others.

Give me your thoughts on Lex & Ellen Ripley.

Good for you, now read again.

Although can we agree that Marvel Alien is dogshit?

Yeah. I think it was still entertaining to see first time around, but it kinda becomes comical when you watch again.

Ellen Ripley is one of best characters in movie history. Lex is a boring Ripley wannabe attempt by Anderson, not much better than the other female army girl from AVPR. Main problem with her was the pred-human teamup on that movie. I don’t hate her character, she is meh, but the teamup was bad.

And do you agree that Ripley would curbstomp most Yautja.

I agree that they owe lowering the bar on skill on both sides and the predator also has superior physical strength he was ragdolling Dutch and Dutch is stronger than a lot of men. Honestly the only issues for preds dying to humans was predator 2 made it seem a little too easy and 2018 was just a terrible movie and disgrace to the franchise.

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Machiko is the WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO THE PREDATOR FRANCHISE WITHOUT QUESTION. THE WORST THING. EVER. A shyte idea for a shyte series. Another in a long string of insults to the fandom. Preds don’t share their tech and they sure AF don’t invite puny humans to hunt with them. It’s laughable. It’s lamer than Lt Dan.

Tech meant a lot to everyone else BUT Dutch, because they all died horribly. Dutch got lucky and all of us that are honest know it.

Furthermore, as I said, the Comanche didn’t have female warriors. NOT to say during a raid, that the women wouldn’t defend their homes, but they weren’t fighters. But leave it to modern hollywood to rewrite Comanche culture.

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Okay, you’re kinda reaching now. Only Alien 4 Ripley stands a good chance vs Predators.

Alien 3 Ripley with how “no fucks given” might have a chance while Aliens Ripley has actual equipment.

Alien Ripley gets mugged.

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Nah. I mean if the writers just make the Predator act braindead sure. But logically ? No.

Alien from first movie was like very sleepy after what it did to Lambert, wasn’t even paying or trying to actually kill her at the end before it got surprised.

On Aliens, PulseRifle + Flamethrower sure can help vs oppponents that only use melee, and that attack her one at a time instead of fighting logically cus she is the main character and she can’t die. I like to compare her to Wolf, cus they also made the aliens act stupid to help them get more kills.

That’s her combat feats.

Her only chance would be vs wristblades only Predator without cloak, like the usual potato in phg.

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Wut? Machiko a mary sue? Bruh, now that is just super wrong on every account. Machiko was pure cooperate higher up who everyone hated for being a cold icy bitch who had to learn that the settlers had actual human value. Like her damm boss who would replace her, had to teach her that the colonists were actual human beings with lives, and not to treat them like shit. Soon enough she did take responsibility and she did what no one ever expected of her to do and risk her life for the entire population to eliminate the xenomorphs. She had to earn that respect from both the colonists and the Predator itself.

Mary Sue: Mary Sue is a term used to describe a fictional character, usually female, who is seen as too perfect and almost boring for lack of flaws, originally written as an idealized version of an author in fanfiction.

Machiko does not fit that at all lol, try again pls

“Preds don’t share their tech”

Greyback gave Raphael his Staff.

Nah I’m pushing this shit because I have seen some atrocious takes. I have seen finer reading skills from pre-schoolers. Mary sue Machiko my fucking ass, some fuckers love buzz words and that’s it.

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I meant mostly what she was post the original comic. Her first apperance was fine. After she joined the Predators was when things went bad.

And she is perfect to the point she is slicing Predator and Aliens with melee. Its ridiculous.

I’ll just throw this out there. Human fighting pred hand to hand is like my eight year old trying to fight me. I’m 6’2 and not scrawny. AND trained to fight for a very long time.

Gender is irrelevant. Any human soloing a pred hand to hand is hilarious.