Prey review

Just because there were women warriors sometimes doesn’t mean it was common. It can be both a thing that wasn’t normal but also wasn’t unheard of. Overall, the further south and the further east you go in the Plains, the less-equal women were.

They definitely weren’t “progressive” as we’d call it today but they also had some things that we’d consider that way. You can’t really apply modern political terms to things from over 300 years ago and expect to get a 1-to-1 analogue.

They weren’t so hierarchical and even the lowest were cared for and not even the chiefs were obscenely wealthy. If you wanna apply modern day politics stuff then that’s progressive I guess, but it’s really not something you should apply because their entire way of life was so different that you just shouldn’t be trying to paste on modern-day politics to their way of life.

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Theres only one way to settle this debate , hop in my delorean



Now listen here you lumbridge rat! I will have no cursing under my roof do you hear me Billy boy! Frick yes! Frick yes.

hey mass your mom’s rated E for Everyone

lmao stop.

Hey its not about killing the cgi deer.

I think your reaction was supposed to be “S-SHE’S FAST” while she does anime moves and slides under like 3 logs trying to catch a deer on foot showcasing the (((theatre worthy))) choreography. Her aim will be spec ops tier by the end of the movie since since she practices her rope axe fatalities on a tree, so its fine. She’s painting with all the colors of the wind.

This fucking guy is crazier than the rest of us 👉🏻

really just gave me a mental image of a xeno being unable to catch a deer

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Nah man. Star Wars has all these creepy old men in the desert, whiny Cloudkicker brothers or whatever they are, midgets and puppets and robots and other weirdos with their flashlight swords and shit. Its boring. But Rey? Rey is the savior of the franchise.

you try too hard

Better than not trying at all.

Are you saying that’s what I said or you cracking a joke at my shitpost?

Rey can eat 💩

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In space , no one can hear its hoofs

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yeah but can Ripley do jumpcut baseball slides and try to kill a deer with an axe and her blinding speed?



96% so far? Damm, nice!

I’m going to enjoy all the coping and seething from the salty fuck boys…


Its dropped from 6.5 to 6 already, no salty fuck boi here.

96%…its not even released fully yet 😁