Quick claims are too quick

Yeah you just invade countries on the whims of politicians. You’re life sounds like an existential crisis. get it, You’re

You don’t have to get offended I’m just trying to understand how an educated individual could disagree with political systems and then join that political systems’ military. It seems uneducated. IDK maybe he WAS uneducated and then GOT educated, maybe he only knows how to program some python and do some brief analysis in r. Maybe he only knows server maintenance. IDFK.

No the fact that you shit on the military is absolutely uneducated, without them your ass would be speaking fucking German. Now go fuck off to your cave, you asshat of a troll…


ill educate you on a caveman ass beating… the last thing you want is a 270lb 6 ft 4" sticking his dick up your ass… because you have a big fat pussy

Well there were drafts ya know, so it wouldn’t be a massive issue to me if the military didn’t exist outside of massive wars, no. TBH the military existing actually makes my life way harder, it essentially functions as an advanced welfare mechanism for uneducated people. This means it increases the chance that my children could be outcompeted in education by the majority due to heightened resources that wouldn’t exist outside of welfare if not for the military. Luckily I’ve noticed that education is only valued by little girls in these families and the rest largely become a self fulfilling prophecy of working in a factory/in retail or in the military. Do you get my point?

You know what I didnt read your post… people like you are cowards and hide… hide little boy hide


I bet you like teaching those little boys…coward


If you were drafted your stupid socialist ass would be hiding while you’re buddies died, now fuck off.

You know what politicians are… ever watch robin hood… all politicians are wolves in sheep clothing.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means?

Men in tights? I am 100% sure that was a parody of military culture.

Thats a communist system… if the pheasants had guns that shit wouldn’t happen. Disarm everyone so Jysty can take your money… back to the original post… Lets see one of your vids… I would love to see it?

The media had led me to believe that America was full of people that share views with you but I didn’t bite :0 Do you think that the jews need to be in Israel to bring about the end times/revelations? Just interested.

No, they are not the original jews.

The fact that your stupid ass thinks the military makes your life harder is proof that you are uneducated. If you were educated, your stupid ass would realize that the military protected your right to be as stupid as you come off in this fucking forum. Now please go crawl back under a rock adults are having conversations.

Hebrews by blood were African in descent so there is no possible way… unless I am wrong… I didn’t live back then and I have no idea what race or color they were.

Protected my right from who o.O who wants my rights?

Wait, what? they are imposter jews? plz explain evangelical Christians don’t really exist in my country and when they do they aren’t full crazy, they just clap when they are happy.